Chapter Two: The Spider

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I look up at his face, and break into a hysterical mixture of laughter and tears. He takes a step back and slightly tilts his head to examine my face.
I can't read Peter's expression because it is covered by a red material with metal, insect like pieces hiding his eyes. They seem to be mechanic as they widen with surprise.
"Seriously... are you okay?" He says as he lightly touches my arm.
Wiping away a tear and calming the laughter, I assure him that I am fine.
"What are you doing here?" I reply, composing myself.
"I'm saving you, aren't I? I'm Spider-Man and I came to set you free!" He says triumphantly.
Saving me. He thinks I want to be saved?
"You aren't saving me from anything." I retort. "I locked myself in here. I could have left anytime if I had wanted to."
The metal eyes and top of his mask furrow in confusion.
"Why would you do that?" He questions, taking a step towards me.
"Because I'm a danger to everyone around me." I say taking a step back and loosely crossing my arms.
With pity in his voice he says; "I know about you. I learned about your incident while I was breaking into Morlun Facilities. I had no idea there was another like me until then."
"Morlun? What type of file could, whatever that is, have on me?"
"They have everything. You are Cindy Moon, right?"
So he was going to play dumb and act like I don't know his identity.
"Yes I am." I say, deciding to let him have his secret.
"Well they have everything about you in their databases. I downloaded part of it if you want to look at it, but you will have to come with me."
If this ominous sounding company has info about me, and possibly my family, then this bunker really would be the safest place for me to stay. I have to protect my family from getting caught up in this mess. 
His words snapped my out of my thoughts. "You have to leave this place. They convinced you to lock yourself up because we present a threat to their operation."
"I'm not a threat to anyone's operation. I'm only a danger to anyone who comes near me."
"No you're not. You're like me. We were bitten by the same spider."
He won't even show his face to me, but he will act like we are the same.
My confused expression causes him to go on.
"I read it in your file." He admits sheepishly.
"But if I hadn't read it then I would have never found you." He reassures himself.
"What are we?" I ask him. "The man who came to help me afterwards already told me of the horrors we can inflict, how can you parade around in this" I say pointing to the emblem on his chest. "And you call yourself a hero?"
"We can help people Cindy. With great power comes great responsibility."
"Did you read that in a fortune cookie or something?" I reply, smirking.
"Laugh all you want, but it's true. You can help people. You don't have to hide in here alone, you can make a difference." He touches my arm again, and I feel the same ache in my chest that I experienced during our first meeting (but that time it was Peter Parker's touch and not this Spider-Boy).
"I can help you. I have learned, with a lot of help, how to control and harness what we have been given."
His metal eyes were wide and his touch was warm. Why do I feel such a pull towards him?
"I will only leave on one condition." I say, straightening up.
"Name it."
"You have to promise me that if anything goes wrong during this training, or whatever, if anything goes wrong and I put anyone in danger..." I pause. Is this really a good idea? "Then you will bring me back here for good." He agrees.
"Well what are we waiting for then? By the way, how long have I been here?"
"Almost six months."
Six months! That means I'm sixteen now. At least that parts cool, but I've missed six months of my life.
"Cool." I reply smoothly. "Let's get this show on the road then."
"Okay." He said laughing.
• • •
Do it. Everything is okay. I'll be fine. Just go!

My heart is pounding out of my chest. I pull my black hood down and start to run. There is a huge knot in my stomach as I sprint across the dark concrete roof and jump off the ledge of the four-story, yellow building and into the night.

The Spider's Silk {A Cindy Moon/Peter Parker Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now