Chapter Eight: The Company

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Oh the famous morning after. It's not like we did anything...well we did some stuff but not sex stuff or anything. Anyway, figuring out where I stand with Peter is the least of my worries. I don't have time for trivial teenage crappola.
I have absolutely nothing on Morlun so I need to find out as much on my own as I can. The best way to do that is researching at the library, and I will stay there until they kick me out if need be.

After landing in the damp alley by the red brick library, I change into something a little more conspicuous than my skintight spider suit then go inside.
The library has rows of outdated clunky computers in the vast room. Everything is silent except for the light sound of papers turning as the stern-looking librarian's eyes dart across the cream colored pages of a large blue book.
I pull up to the dark screen and my search begins.
                                       •  •  •

"So you have no experience?" The tired man asks me with a condescending tone. His blue eyes are red with fatigue and stare at me through metal rimmed glasses. This glare makes me feel as if I am a small child caught taking the neighbor boy's toy, but yet there is still kindness behind them.
"Yes, but as I say on the form, I have been a part of my school's newspaper for the past two years." I reply with a smile plastered on my face.
"I can also work full time until school starts, and I am interested and motivated to learn and help out as much as I can."
"Okay." He pauses. Looking up and down my application, he strokes his greying mustache with his large fingers as his brow furrows in thought. "Yeah okay you can have the internship." He says finally and gets up and offers me his hand.
Shaking his hand eagerly, I thank him profusely before he plops back down into his chair and tells me that I start on Monday.

I emerge from the small office into a large bustling newsroom. The clicks of quick hands on keyboards, the steady printing of black words sprawled on page after page, a constant chatter among friends and colleagues, as well as the occasional shout across the room fills the space. I walk through the chaos of creation and exit the big glass doors.
I leave the tall glass building with the words Fact Channel in big orange letters above the large doors. The same logo that was at the top of each of the three documents I found that mentioned Morlun.
The most the first two said about them was that the company has been involved in multiple projects testing "insects" and other experiments. The third one though had a little more to offer. It was had been buried, but nothing can truly be deleted off the internet. Although most of the article had been cut out, it did list the last known location of Morlun.

This lead me to find a posting for internship positions on the Fact Channel website, so I decided to apply. Just a quick look at their extensive research on Morlun and the use of their expensive research equipment might help me find my family.
For now, I have a location and a lot of free time.


Great. He's never going to approve.

"Hey Peter! How'd you...never mind." I say trailing off. "You know I'm not loving that you always know where I am." I tell him as we move into the warm alley between two red and brown brick buildings.
Peter chuckles, "I'm not minding it."
"Obviously." I laugh. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see where you went to this morning." He says weakly. "What are you doing in front of Fact Channel?"
I explain my internship and plan to him quickly without pause.
"Congratulations on the internship, but I can't let you confront Morlun."
"I wasn't asking for your permission."
"I-I just meant that I can't let you go alone."
"Is it the same place that you got the information on me?"
"No but I didn't go to the direct company. Stark sent me to a laboratory that Morlun has been using, but it's been shut down and everything erased since then."
"How do y-"
"I went back." He says cutting me off.
"I wanted to try to find even the smallest bit of information for you Cin, but I couldn't." Peter concludes sadly.
"Thanks Pete, that's-that's really sweet."
"Yeah I guess so."
I move a step closer to him in the small alley and he does the same.
He puts his hand on my arm and I can feel his warm breath near my face and the pounding in my temple.
My lips part and he kisses me gently as his arm wraps around my lower back which tingles at his touch.
"We really need to figure whatever this is out?" I whisper as we part.
"I know but let's just not think about it now."
"I have to go." I say suddenly receding from his touch.
"O-or we can talk about it now." Pete says hastily.
"No Peter it's not that. I-I just need to go."
"Oh okay."
"I'm really sorry, I promise to explain later." I say kissing him on the cheek and running off.

I have to go to Morlun without Peter. Hopefully he will go about his day and not try to use our "Spidey Homing Beacon". I need a clear head and...I can't risk him getting hurt for me.

• • •

The cold metal door slams shut behind me. I am engulfed in complete darkness with not a single ray of light shining through the folds in thin blinds. As my eyes adjust to the dark, I begin to make out large rectangular desks in rows throughout the room draped in black. My Silk Senses sharpen to make up for the low visibility. I need to see around me with my instincts, not my eyes. My breathing grows heavier through the small red scarf covering my lower face. I close my eyes to focus on my Silk Sense. The room is completely silent as I do so. Concentrating, I can feel that someone else is in the room with me but I don't know where.

Note to self: work with Peter on refining silk sense.

I take a few tentative steps forward and try to find a dark figure somewhere in the room.

As I turn my head, I feel something yank me by the hair and force a large gloved hand over my mouth to muffle my loud scream.

As I begin to struggle, a thin cold needle is stabbed into my neck and I collapse onto the hard floor with a thud.

My mind goes blank as the darkness consumes me.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! School has started back up for me so I will still try to update often but please be patient if it takes a little longer then usual. I know, not what you want to hear after I end with a cliffhanger but I'm excited for you to see what comes next😊 Please remember to vote and comment! Thanks again!

The Spider's Silk {A Cindy Moon/Peter Parker Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now