Isn't She Lovely

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Oh, how he loves us so. Oh, how he loves us. How he loves us so.

We are his portion and he is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes. If his grace is an ocean we’re all sinking.

And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest.

I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about, the way he loves us.


“Ponder those lyrics as you go about your day and begin this week. God’s love for us and his grace is like a flood it is so infinite and he will always be with us. Keep in mind what I touched on today. Sometimes God changes our plan, rejects it for something that is better because he loves us, and ultimately knows what is best for us. Have a wonderful day everyone, and remember always, love works.”

I could feel Harry move his face near to mine as he whispered, “I love you Charlotte,” my name rolling off his tongue like music. He was such a romantic. I beamed at him, blushing and rose from the pew that we were seated on, beginning to follow the throng of people ushering their way out of the church. As we exited the front doors a clap of thunder exploded from the sky and drops of rain that had been holding out since the early morning began to steadily fall.

“I should have brought an umbrella,” I murmured as Harry took me under his arm and we hastily shuffled towards his jeep. After helping me in and walking round to his side, he hopped in and cranked the ignition.

Putting an arm on the head rest of my seat he focused on backing out of the parking place, his brows furrowing together. I was so in love with him, it was hard to look away from his face.

“That was such a great service,” I broke the silence, reaching my seatbelt across my torso and relaxing into my seat. The rain began to beat heavier against the windshield and I knew the storm that the weatherman had talked about on the morning news had finally arrived.

“It really was. I’m glad we’ve been going every week, and I’m happy your mom drilled us about church before we left.”

“So am I,” I replied. “I think that’s what really won them over.”

“Oh, not my charm?”

“Well that too of course,” I smiled, placing my hand on his as he shifted gears. “But my mom and dad are so demanding about religion. I never missed a Sunday when I still lived there. I didn’t realize how much I truly missed it though, going to service. When they asked you if you were religious and you said you were a Christian I could see my mom physically light up with excitement.”

“I think I lit up as well when we went into full conversation about it. I don’t get to talk about Christianity as much as I’d like to with people.”

“Same,” I said simply.

“So,” Harry began, changing the subject. “Tomorrow is our five month anniversary. Any ideas for celebrating?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down cheekily and I laughed.

“Not really, just as long as we’re together I’m sure it will be perfect.”

“Well I have an idea…”

“Oh really? Well let’s hear it then.”



“Karaoke,” he repeated.

“Um, I’m not much of a singer Harry.”

“That’s the beauty of karaoke Lottie. You get drunk enough to where you couldn’t give a rat’s ass on whether or not you sound like Whitney Houston or Rebecca Black. I promise it will be a great laugh. A majority of the time when we tried to celebrate in the past something always attempted to ruin it. I want a care free night for the both of us where we can just let loose and completely relax. So, what do you say?”

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