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Those eyes…

That is all I could see; the center of my full attention. I could not look away even if I wanted to. They were amazingly breath-taking. I had never seen someone with eyes the color of the sky on a gorgeous summer day combined with a green of a towering pine mid-winter.

Then a blink. Those eye lashes were where my attention instantly shifted to. They were such an incredibly perfect length. Flawlessly thick and full; the kind of eyelashes every girl envied. They formed perfectly around the top lid and made those eyes that much harder to resist.

Those lips though… The perfect plumpness, I could label them as the impeccable classification of kissable, a curious shade of dark pink. Not a shade that looked feminine, but a shade that made you want to rub your finger across them to test the softness, and then kiss them despite your findings.

And then a smile. Dimples arose and set off a glow to an already picture-perfect grin. A beautiful shade of white that complimented the skin tone and made it look so sun-kissed that I never longed to kiss something so much in my entire life.

The head turned slightly and my eyes shifted to a jawline. I didn’t know why, but I had an unusual thing about being attracted to a man’s certain type of jawline. This one perfectly pictured it. It was somewhat squared and you could see when the muscles of the jaw tensed from anger, anticipation, or lust. My heart melted as I watched in an almost slow motion type action, as the jawline tensed…

That was it. I could not control myself, my emotions were beginning to bubble up and overflow irrepressibly in this aquifer of lust. Who was this? Who did these startling features belong to? I needed to know. I tried my hardest to force myself to zoom out. I needed to see the entire face as a whole, the entire body as a person. Why couldn’t I see all of him?

But then the picture began to fade… The eyes began to turn grey, and the lips were no longer the perfect, kissable shade of pink. His dimples slowly began to disappear as his smile began to turn into a hard straight line. His eyelashes began to shrivel and thin. With it, my smile began to vanish as well. The happiness that flooded my heart when looking at him, was no longer there. His jaw went slack and the muscles seemed to completely relax, and then gradually wane away. My longing to know who it was only intensified.

“No,” I said. I repeated it over and over again, gradually becoming louder and less composed with every single one. I felt like I might have been over reacting a tad bit, but I was no longer under my own control. Next thing I knew, I was crying and thrashing around like a mad women. He was long gone though. My eyes bolted open and I saw I was in my bed. Beads of sweat trickled down the sides of my face. My damp hair was pressed to my cheeks and neck. I was encircled by all of my familiar surroundings; a downy deep purple comforter, long black pillow that lay on the floor where it was not when I first fell asleep, a travel wall covered by majestic pictures of faraway places that I had never been, and a small puppy curled into the tiniest ball in her bed. I was where I was used to being, how I was used to being. Alone.

There was a ringing in my ears, and it felt as if soldiers were marching through my chest. I was sweating as well? What was wrong with me? It was only a dream about someone’s face that I hadn’t even seen before. There wasn’t even anything special about it. He just had some common blue eyes, bushy eyelashes, an average smile, an unusually large jawline, and dimples. So many men had dimples; they were almost overrated these days. Slipping out of bed I padded over to the bathroom, walking up to the sink and turning on the faucet. As soon as the water got as cold as I thought it would become I splashed some on my face, washing away beads of sweat. I shook my head, thinking about how ridiculous that dream was, and even further, how ridiculous my reaction was to it. In the back of my head though, I knew that I was lying to myself. I was shaken up. This was no ordinary dream that could easily be forgotten.

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