Heart Warmer

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So, how are things with Harry?”

It was around 4 in the afternoon. The wind outside was whipping so hard against the windows and doors that I was sure they would burst open at any moment. Leo and I were beginning to do our routine clean up after closing. Today had been a short day for work due to weather conditions. A storm seemed to be rolling in pretty quickly.

“Things are fine. I mean I haven’t seen him since our last date in town, which was almost two weeks ago I think. I’m sure things are just busy with the bakery though.” I knew he could hear the doubt in my voice.

It worried me that Harry hadn’t texted or called since that day at the gardens. I thought we had a magnificent time. I thought we had really connected. Maybe he thought otherwise though. At first I figured he was just being typical Harry and that he would show up at my doorstep within a week. He never did though. I texted him then, asking how he was doing. Another week passed and he still hadn’t replied. I didn’t know what to think of it so, being typical me, I tried to busy myself with work taking on extra shifts. Just when I thought things in my life were beginning to look up, reality sunk right back in.

I replayed our date over and over in my head, especially the point in which Harry began to speak like he was breaking up with me. I couldn’t get it out of my thoughts. What did he really want to say then? I knew in my heart that he had backed out of something, but I had no clue what. It bothered me that he had been nervous about it. Or was he shy? I had no idea and the memories were beginning to haunt me.

Just then a set of windows blew open and I rushed over to close them. The winter wind instantly chapped my face as snow and what felt like bits of ice flew at what seemed like 40 miles an hour past my cheeks, sticking to my eyelashes. The wind thrashed my hair wildly around and I fought to push the windows closed. Leo came over and jointly we brought them together latching them again.

“Today is just not my day.” I slumped down in a seat facing the window. Gloomily I rested my chin in my hands after wiping away the now melted snow from my eyebrows. Trees outside whipped about and I thought they were all going to fall over eventually. Feelings of carelessness began to set in and I gave in to them. Everything outside was covered in a light layer of snow and the sky was an ominous grey growing darker and darker as the evening progressed. Everything seemed so depressing and nothing seemed to be helping my mood.

A steaming mug of what smelled like peppermint mocha appeared in front of me. The aroma did warm my soul. With November dwindling down and the beginnings of December upon us, my annual holiday drink had switched over to this hastily. I was ready for winter, and all things peppermint that came with it.

“I bet he is just busy. With Christmas quickly comin’ up I bet that bakery has customers non-stop. Shoot we’re just a coffee shop and we’ve been way more busy than usual.”

I just nodded my head in response. He slapped me on the back and said, “Come on Lottie, cheer up! This weather is bad enough I don’t need you lookin’ all down too. I’ve lived here for years and I don’t think I’ll ever get used to these winters. Ain’t like this in Texas…” he muttered. He was always comparing London to Texas. From the way he described it they seemed to be complete opposites so I still wasn’t sure why he chose to move here of all places.

I finished my mocha quickly and headed to the back room to retrieve my coat and scarf.

“Hold up now, you don’t plan on tryna’ head home on that bicycle of yours in this weather, do you?”

“I don’t have a choice Leo. I don’t have a car, and it would be a lost cause to try and call a cab. There’s probably none out right now. And besides, I’m not going home.”

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