Chapter 7

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This chapter is pretty sad and some of you might not like it so I apologize in advance. I hope you like it though!


***Hayes's P.O.V.***

Emma and I are currently watching Family Guy. I look down at Emma. She has her head on my chest and she fell asleep. I smile. She's not hot. She's beautiful. I just look at her and forget about the t.v. I really need to ask her out on a real date soon. Like, really soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I need her. Ugh. This is absolute torture.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small thud as Nash jumps from the bottom step. I look up at him and he rolls his eyes at us and groans. He's been really weird lately. "Dude, what's up with you?" I whisper to him. "You wanna know what's wrong with me?! Ashley cheated on me and I came to Emma. We kissed last night," he says. His last words stay in my mind. "You're lying," I tell him. "Why don't you ask her," he says pointing to Emma. I look down at her sleeping face. I refuse to believe it. "Why?" I whisper still looking at Emma. I snap my head over to him. "WHY?! You know I've liked her since 4th grade! Why would you do this to me?" I practically scream. It's a good thing Emma is a heavy sleeper and she won't wake up. He shakes his head. "You took too long little bro. If she ever had feelings for you, they're gone by now," he says smirking. "Well then explain to me why she kissed me this morning," I tell him.

I see his smirk fade and sadness and confusion replace it. He looked away and down at the ground. He ran up to his room and slammed his door. I heard the door slam and guilt took over me. I looked down at Emma. I can't believe she did that. I need to ask her about it. Her eyes slowly open and she looks up at me and smiles. All my anger is gone because her smile is just so beautiful. I smile back and kiss her forehead. Her phone buzzes and she checks it. "I gotta go. Luke needs me or something," she sighs and stands up. "I'll walk you there," I offer, standing up also. She shakes her head, "It's literally 30 seconds away from here, Hayes." She chuckles and heads out the door. I smile and sit back down on the couch.

***Emma's P.O.V.***

I take my time walking home, trying to clear my head. When I kissed Nash it was out of pity, but when I kissed Hayes, I felt a spark. But Nash is so cute and sweet... but so is Hayes. Nash is super protective but Hayes is always there for me. Why must this be so hard? By the time I get to my front door, I'm still extremely confused about my feelings. I turn the knob and walk in.

Luke is sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I shut the door and he turns his head to look at me. "Where have you been?" he asks worriedly. "I was with Hayes. Is everything alright?" I ask scared. He shakes his head and I slowly sit down on the couch next to him. "What's wrong?" I ask slowly. "Dad was in an accident," he says. A tear rolls down his face. It takes a while for his words to process in my mind. My parents were divorced and my dad lives in Virginia. "What happened?" I finally manage to ask. "A drunk driver hit him and his car turned. An on-coming truck couldn't stop in time and it hit him. The car flipped."

"He didn't make it."

The words repeat in my head over and over. This can't be happening. We were supposed to go up to Virginia this weekend to see him. This isn't true. I looked at Luke who had his head in his hands. He was now crying uncontrollably. My dad, my best friend, was gone. He won't be able to walk me down the aisle. He won't be here to make us laugh. I won't be able to say I love you to him again. I won't be able to hear him anymore. My daddy, my hero, is gone... and I couldn't say goodbye.

I sat there. Not saying anything. I pulled my knees to my chest and sat next to Luke. I looked at him one more time and I lost it. I started crying and screaming. I sunk to the floor and cried helplessly. I felt Luke sit next to me. He pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly. I was kicking and thrashing and he just slowly rocked me back and forth. We stayed there crying together. I buried my face into his chest and he hugged me tighter. I couldn't stop crying.

I heard the door open but Luke and I just stayed. I heard Hayes and Nash asking us what happened. My brother and I didn't do anything. I tuned them out. I just stayed there with my big brother. I don't know where our mom was but right now, it felt like it was just Luke and I from now on.


Writing this acutally made me really sad. But I thought that Luke and Emma had a really cute moment. I hope you guys liked it! Also, please give some feedback or share my story. It would mean the world to me! But its up to you guys. Thanks and I'll update really soon!


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