Chapter Two - Running

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Corinne is freaking out. She is cowering behind me and burying her face in my hair. I growl. Nobody scares my best friend like this.

The boy who rushed in has light blonde hair and emerald green eyes. His face would be beautiful, with his angular cheekbones, if there wasn't a bright red hand print on his cheek. I giggle a little bit but still glare a him.

"Corinne. Get. Over. Here. Now." The boy growls.

"N-no you'll e-eat me!" She screams. She throws a pillow at his head, but he catches it an tosses it aside.

"How," he huffs. "many times must we go through this Corinne? I love you, I would never hurt you." His face softens.

"Bull shit!" She sobs. He takes a step forward, but I growl and he freezes.

"What are you?" He inquires while staring at me intently.

"Human... Apparently not like you." I snarl. He growls and looks at Corinne who's still crying her eyes out. Her tears moisten my shirt.

"Give me Corinne." He growls.

"NO!" I yell. The guy flinches and jumps back. Easton bursts into the room with one of his partners in crime.

"What's going on?" Easton says looking from the panicked girls on his bed to the fuming boy to his left.

"Your mate is keeping mine from me." He growls.

"Only because she ran in here screaming and crying!" I retort. "Not that I really blame her." I mutter. Corinne pokes her head up an peaks past my shoulder.

"I'm playing them." She barely whispers. "I'm not this afraid, they're obviously lying about being werewolves," I can not tell her how right she is. "I need to get you out of these cuffs. Sadie is waiting in her room for us."

I smile a little at my resourceful friends. The werewolves are arguing among themselves so she takes the opportunity to pick the lock on my handcuffs while still pretending to sob. The lock clicks, and the guys snap their heads at us.

"Run!" I scream. I seize her wrist and drag her out the door.

"Corinne get back here!" Her 'mate' bellows at her. She stops a moment and looks back.

"Cori come on!" I scream while shaking her. "Where Sadie?"

"This w-way." The guys are gaining on us. Corinne races up a staircase and veers to the left. I see Sadie at the end of the hallways with... A guy?

Their heads snap towards us and Sadie smiles.

"Hey guys." She smiles while taking the guys hand.

"What the fuck Sadie?" Corinne snarls.

"Watch it." The guy snaps. Corinne rolls her eyes.

"He's my mate guys!" She giggles while looking up at him. He grins and kisses her head.

I scream when an arm wraps around my waist and lifts me off the ground. I feel sparks against my skin wherever their skin touches mine.

'Easton.' Lila grows. I am about to snap my head back into his skull when he places me on the floor and turns me in his arms. He pulls me against his chest.

"Mine." Easton murmurs.

"No." I say.

"You don't see it yet, Lizzy, but you will." He kisses my head.

"Back off." Lila grows. She takes control of my body and violently thrashes against him.

He sees my eyes.

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