Chapter Four - You Chose Wrong

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If we thought about our lives more, would we remember the exact moment our lives came crashing down on us? Or would we simply attribute many individual moments to one catastrophic failure?

Many of my actions in the past few days contributed to the loss of my best friends. I know it is my fault. I know it is, so why am I hating them for it?

After they both abandoned me a few days ago, I shifted into my tiger and refuse to move from my spot in the corner.

I don't eat. I don't move. I can't sleep.

Easton pleads with me everyday to move, to eat, to do something other than just lie here. But I can't.

Lila has taken control of me, forcing me to be where I am. She hasn't been listening to me lately, just doing and then ignoring me.

'Lila, please let me in control.' I say to her again.

'No, you don't know what's best for us right now Lizzy. I am waiting him out.' Lila snaps.

'You're going to kill us!' I snarl. She flinches at my tone.

'Fine take control.' She finally complies. I shift back into a human and open the door to the bedroom on shaky legs. Immediately, Easton is in front of me and pulling me into his arms. I land against his rock hard chest, barely able to stand.

"E-Easton I c-can't breathe." I say while pushing against his chest.

"Mine." He growls. I start to choke and he immediately pulls me away a little to see my face. With a small smile, he lifts me into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, placing my chin on his shoulder.

We walk into a obnoxiously large kitchen the size of a master bedroom. The middle has an island with seats on one side. The kitchen is black, with red accents here and there. Easton places me on one of the red stools on the island. I slump into the counter. Lila was mean to drag me to this level of dependency on someone else.

'Hey! My plan could have worked!' Lila says.

'Shut up, you know it was a very very long shot.'

'Yeah I did.'

"Lizzy?" Easton asks.

"That's Elizabeth to you." I snap. His features darken at my tone.

"I," he snarls while walking towards me. "will call you whatever the hell I want." His hand encloses around my wrist, sending sparks through my body. I shiver involuntarily in delight. No, stop it Lizzy.

"No." I growl while snatching my wrist from his hold. "You, little wolf, have lost the right to my first name. You can call me Tiger or nothing at all."

'Haha, good one Lizzy!'

'Thanks Lila!'

"No, Lizzy," Easton snarls. "I will call you what I want. And I am NOT a little wolf."

"Oh please," I say while rolling my eyes. Where is all this energy coming from? "you wouldn't know the difference between your ass and your face if your mother didn't pretend to love one of them."

"My mother is not one you should insult, Lizzy." Easton says while grabbing my other wrist and pulling me up from my chair.

"Aw, I'm so sorry! Is little Easton's mom a mutt as well?" I don't know why I'm being so mean all of a sudden. Perhaps I'm built this way, and I've been to weak to notice how forgiving I have been these past few days.

"You. Will. Never. Talk. About. Me. That. Way. Again." Easton growls. I gather every bit of saliva in my mouth and spit it onto his face. Well that did it. His eyes go silver and gold and he slams me against the wall. He pins my arms above me with one of his hands while the other is firmly planted on my waist; holding me in place.

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