Chapter Nineteen - Celestine

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Please excuse mistakes it's unedited :)


I wince as Kiera dabs at the burn on my arm. It hurts, but not as bad as the stab of pain in my heart every time I think of Cassia. The pieces don't fit, not at all.

"Done." Kiera says, tying off the bandage. Her fiery red hair is pulled up in a ponytail. Ever since she found out that Reydan is her mate, she's radiated happiness and confidence. I find myself wishing we could trade places. The two siblings we are mated too are both stubborn, courageous and determined. Two things, however, set them apart: The presence of a tiger spirit and their fight or flight responses. Lizzy runs at the first sight of trouble or a situation she doesn't like while Reydan prefers to talk out the situation.

How much simpler my life would be if Lizzy didn't have a tiger spirit... Or if she wasn't a goddess. Her mom fled after Ryder and I got her cornered. She told us of Elizabeth's origins as we fought. She told us we weren't good enough for her daughter, the Goddess of the Earth.

How in the Hell the moon goddess paired is up will be a mystery to me.

But one things for sure, I love Lizzy. It is my duty as her mate to find and protect her and to love her until I die. I'm sure it will be me before her, considering that she's immortal.

"Hello? Earth to Easton." Kiera snaps her fingers in front of my eyes. I look at her  apologetically.

"What?" I ask.

"I asked if I could go see Axle." She says in a 'duh' tone. Ever since Ryder and I suddenly became a team, I've kept Axle, her brother, in a cell. He killed three pack members, which doesn't fly with me. Ryder could care less about Axle.

"Yes." I say. She practically springs upwards and races out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

Elizabeth needs me. She feels alone in this world of sick and twisted lies.

I'm going to find her. And I'm going to love her.


"Ah my dear Elizabeth, I did wonder when you would come to visit." My aunt Celestine smiles. She has shimmering silver hair and porcelain skin. Her eyes are a misty purple. Piercing and cold, yet, she is a kind and wise woman. Hence why she is the moon goddess.

"I need guidance, goddess, I don't know what's going on." I whisper, kneeling before her. All I had to do to contact her was ask to see her. Immediately, I was brought to this throne room. Everything is white and glowing.

"Come my dear, we have much to discuss." She gently takes my hand and pulls me towards the two elaborate chairs at the end of the room. She sits in one and I sit in the other.

"You are wondering if Easton is actually your mate?" She asks me, absently staring at the giant doors at the other end of the throne room. I run my fingers through my hair.

"Yes." I answer.

"It's up to you, really." She says. "As a goddess, you can fully reject the mate bond or you can use it." She smiles at me, delicately taking my hand in hers.

"How can I use it when all he does is kill and enslave people?" My voice is strained and raspy. A tear trails down my cheek as I come to grip with the true nature of Easton; kill, rule, have power. Sure, he claims to love me, but how? He barely knows me. If the mate bond weren't there, he wouldn't love me - this I'm sure of of.

"Eliza, darling, use it to forget how unhappy you are. I paired you with him for a reason, goddess or not. He needs you, more than you know." Her eyes are warm as they stare at me. I sigh and run my hand down my face.

He deserves a chance. I can change Easton, I can make him who he was meant to be.

"Okay." I whisper. "Easton gets a shot."

Celestine smiles. "Great. Anymore questions you have for me?"

"Yes, I have a request." I say.

"You can hardly give m requests but I'll listen to what you have to say. Wether I do it or not is another thing entirely." She gives me a stern look.

"My best friend, Corinne, died." I say while avoiding her gaze. "Could you maybe bring her back?" I whisper.

Celestine sighs. "No, I cannot. She is gone for good."

My heart breaks again. Tears pour down my face. "Could... Could you give... Could you give Carson a second chance?" I manage to get out between sobs.

A slight smile graces her lips. "That I can do." I wipe my nose with the back of my arm.

"I best be on my way, I need to give Easton a shot don't I? And apologize for his sister and his mother." I say. Celestine embraces me.

"Never forget who you are, Eliza, you are a goddess. Don't let anyone treat you as anything else." And with that, I'm spiralling back towards the ground.

I look up at the sky after blinking several times. I swear I can see her smiling at me. A burning sensation encloses around my wrist. I scream and look down.

On my wrist is a name; Arabelle Kalani. I stare down at the name.

What could it mean? It's obvious my aunt left it there for me.


This is her name. His new mate. Celestine wants me to find her before I go back to Easton. And I will. With my dying breath I will right the wrongs I've left in this world. That starts with Carson.

Arabelle is a beautiful name. Not very common. I stare up at the sky.

"Where do I start?!" I scream. A breeze tickles my ear. A name is whispered in my ear.


That's where I'll go then. Miami Florida. I begin walking towards where the breeze emerged from.

Arabelle will be my new beginning. She will be the first step in my redemption.


Sorry short chapter but I've had severe writers block lately for this story. I'm thinking there will only be around 5 more chapters so get ready to say goodbye.

Anyways pleas vote and comment. Love you guys!


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