Chapter 9

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Your eyes were laced with doubt, but also betrayal. "What do you mean? John would never do that and if anyone should know that, it would be you!" You defended. He averted his eyes and grew sad.

"(Y/n), have you not noticed how weird he's been acting?" You grew infuriated by the second. "So? This war has taken a toll on all of us! You can't blame something as major as this on him!" Hercules sighed and tore his gaze away from you.

"Do you really think someone as kind and noble as John would do that?" Herc's fists were so tightly clenched that they went numb. "He is trying to kill us all! Please, believe me!" He pleaded. You placed your hands on you ears. "Never never NEVER!"

Hercules grabbed you by the sholders and tried to calm you down. "No! You're lying!"
"I promise I'm not!"
"Where is your evidence!?"

He froze. He had no evidence other than what he whitenessed so far. He already knew you wouldn't take that for an answer.
Just then, he remebered the letter John wrote to him. "Here. Read this."

You scanned it and your hands flew to your mouth. "How... How did he know about what happened to Lafayette?" Hercules's expression fell. "Because he's the one that did it."

You jumped back, almost tripping on some of the blanket. "Why..." You ran out of the tent and whipped your head back and forth, making sure no one saw you. You darted towards the woods and kept running. Hercules was chasing after you, but he could not catch up to you. Your feet began to hurt as you kept running through the woods. Branches hit you as you came in contact, you swear you tripped in a bush of poison ivy, and many creatures scattered away at the sight of your presence.

You soon slipped on a branch and hit your head on a rock. Your vision went blurry and you blacked out. Darkness surrounded you, but shuffling and echos were heard. Hercules was calling out for you. Light sobs were emitting from the distance. Then, soon after, you were in a void of nothingness. Only thoughts trailed in your head as they danced around the bad possibilities that could happen to you. You could be caught by redcoats, you could be mauled by wolfs, or you could be dead and never see John again.

A light flickered in front of you as you regained consciousness. Your eyes flew open and you looked around. Your were still in the woods and a excruciating pain was surging through your head. You placed your hand on it and felt a bandage wrapped around it. You pulled your hand off and looked at it. Light blood stains were tinted on your hand. The bandage was too thin. You attempted to stand up, only to fallback down. A sound of crunching leafs were closing in. Your heart stopped and you decided to accept fate.

'If I am killed, I thank my men for the honor of training with them.' You told yourself. The branches in front of you parted and you tightly shut your eyes. After they were fully separated, a gasp flowed out of the persons mouth. "(Y/n)..." they whispered. You slightly opened your eyelid and noticed that Hercules finally found you. "I-I... I.." You couldn't say anything. Tears were flooding your eyes and the only thing you could think of was how dramatic and stupid you were acting.

You tried to apologize again, but he hushed you. His arms wrapped around your body and he pulled you towards his for a tight and loving embrace. Your eyes were wide open at this point. You reciprocated by wrapping your arms around him as well, but not nearly as tight. You were basically just laying your arms on him as if he was a soft bed. "It's okay... P-Please don't do that ever again. I'm so sorry for saying he was guilty. You must feel awful now..."

Your breathing slowed down and you came to your senses. It struck you that Hercules must be overwhelmed with joy to see you intact. His forgiveness showed that. Your breathing hitched and he looked at you in fear. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He asked. You nodded. Shifting was heard quite often in this small moment you and Herc were having. You brought your guard up and decided to rely on what Hercules informed you of.

"Please bring me back to the camp. I must see Lafayette." You requested. "I will bring you back to the camp, but we may not be able to see Lafayette." You cocked your brow at him. "Why not?" Remembering how Lafayette put you in the higher position due to his wounds, you placed that fact in the argument. "He is in terrible condition. I don't very much think that us being bothersome would help." You sighed. "Since he is unable to give orders, I command now. Take me to Lafayette. That's an order." 

He nodded and picked you up bridal style. "Why don't you rest a while? It might take a bit." You agreed and gently closed your eyes. In a split second, you were asleep.

You found yourself alone in the woods once more. You placed your hand on your head, but your bandage wasn't there. neither was your wound. Crunching of leaves were cast out nearby. You turned towards the direction of the sound. The cause of the noise was none other than your colleague and Washington's right hand man, Alexander Hamilton. He was holding a redcoat's uniform and your sketchbook. "What is this?" He inquired. You pointed towards the book and said, "That's my sketchbook. That uniform your holding is a redcoat's uniform. Why do you ask?"

He growled almost inhumanly and threw the uniform at you. "Look here.." He flipped to a page and showed you. Messy scribbles were plastered on the paper. It was near impossible to make out what they said, but you soon did. 'Do your job. Do it for your love. Listen to the king. IT'S NOT MY FAULT!' You looked back at Hamilton and asked him who wrote that. "I don't fucking know. Why not ask yourself? It's in your goddamn book." You held your hand at your chest and protested. "I didn't write that! Please believe me!" He lowered his head so he was looking at the ground. 

Lafayette and Hercules appeared from behind him. Laf had multiple stab wounds all over his body. He looked very much dead. Hercules had no eyes and a huge slit went across his neck. He was missing his left hand and also looked dead. Your hands flew towards your mouth. "Oh my god.. Hercules! Lafayette!" You sobbed. "Lafayette is dead because of you. Hercules was brutally murdered. Care to explain?" Hamilton asked.

"And I won't take 'I don't know' for an answer. They may have been your friends but goddammit they were mine too!" He shouted. Your feet trembled and you fell to your knees. "I didn't do it! Please Alex! Please!" You begged. It felt as if a chain wrapped around your neck and pulled you away from them. You may have been away from Alex, but seeing Lafayette and Hercules deceased was sickening. 

You felt arms wrapped around your waist and neck. "Hello beautiful.~"

Driven Into Madness (Yandere!John Laurens x reader) (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now