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“Oliver Dabney Aedeline!”
Ollie stepped forward out of the big line of boys, all on their first day at work in the palace. The fourteen year old boy, youngest of four - all boys, raised by only their mother - had offered to take the job, just to make more money for his brothers and ill mother. As you’d expect from a poor boy, he was very slim and pale. Though he had a lively look when he would smile, his hazel eyes shining up with life and excitement. He had short, dark brown hair, with in some places a lighter lock due to sunlight. He was a timid boy, embarrassed quickly, yet very sweet. He might have slight social anxiety.
“Follow me boy,” Credence, the steward, said.
Ollie followed Credence nervously. First day and he already did something wrong?
It took a few steps for him to catch up with the higher-up man, though he decided staying a bit behind would be better. He looked around, and was left completely astonished. Giant high walls filled with paintings and beautiful attributes filling the empty space on the ground.

Credence lead the small boy through the great hall up the stairs to the King’s office. Ollie looked around in astonishment of the size and decorations. Quite different from his home; where he shared a bed with his three brothers and the roof was leaking.

“Sire?” Credence looked around the door. “Your new personal assistant is here.”
Ollie entered the room.
“Yes? Oh hi boy, come in.” the King said, and then continued talking to the red cat sitting on his lap: “And, like I was saying, that country is amazing! But it was stupid of them to go off to revolution! I'll teach them who's boss! By the way, Alfred, do you think you could marry a country?”
Ollie stopped listening, and looked around. Opposite to the rooms they passed previously, this room was small and comfy. King George was sitting on a red couch with a pink sheep's coat draped over it. They clashed horribly! The boy couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It looked really silly, and he couldn’t believe someone actually liked it. There was one thing he liked about the scene playing before his eyes, though. The man before him. He didn't know what it was, but the King made his heart skip a beat. For a few moments he just stood there, staring. Until he was pulled back to reality, and straightened his back. In a very soft whisper, he asked: “U-um, sir…? W-What am I supposed to… to do?”
King George looked up. For one breathtaking moment Ollie saw his eyes. King George had the most beautiful bright blue eyes that Ollie had ever seen.
“Oh yeah,” the King said, “I forgot you were still here. You're new right?”
Ollie nodded quietly.
“Well you should just stay around me, and when I ask you something you must do it. Furthermore, you must get my mail every day at nine AM. You must also make sure my tea and scones are ready at ten AM and three PM. I want you to clean my crown and shoes once a week. Is that clear?”
Ollie nodded, as he tried to process everything. This job sounded hard already. He was getting nervous, so nervous. It was so easy to mess up…

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