Chapter V

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“Ollie, would you like to make me some tea, please?”
Ollie was prepared for this question and poured the hot tea in a cup. Moving quickly and gracefully, he easily made his way to the King's suite.
“Thank you. Now, seeing as we had such a pleasant conversation last time, why don't you tell me something about yourself, Ollie?”
Ollie blushed and stammered: “What- What do I say?”
“Anything will do, really. Where you came from, things you enjoy, it really does not matter. Just talk.”
“Well, my father left our family when I was only one year old. He took all of our money and our furniture. Mom suddenly had to find a new home and a job. We moved to a small, two room apartment just outside the city. That's where I grew up. I, uhm, I have three brothers. The oldest is called Harry. He is really sweet, but the other two are, well, bullies. About a year ago, my mom got really sick. We couldn't pay for the medicines, and I was the only one in our family without a job, so I decided to get one and send the money I make to ma. That's how I came here.”
“Ah, I see. Quite a rough past, I’m sorry for you. Though I do hope it isn’t that bad out here.”
“Oh no,” Ollie smiled, “This place is beautiful! I've never seen such big halls and beautiful statues! The work isn't too hard and I love to help you! And you sir-” Ollie stopped himself, embarrassed. He had just wanted to tell the king he was handsome and sweet. You silly boy, he cursed himself, you can't just say that to a king!
“Hm? What was that?” King George’s eyes shone with curiosity.
“You- You are a really nice boss, Your Highness.” Ollie said, looking down to hide his bright blush.
“Well thank you,” King George said smirking.

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