Chapter II

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“Ollie, would you make me some tea?” King George shouted from his sofa, where he was admiring his picture of America. Again. The young servant boy ran for the zillionest time, and walked back with that same cup he had walked with many times before. But before he knew what happened, his foot got stuck behind the heavy golden crown, and he tripped. The hot tea spilled all over his arm and sleeve, making his skin burn. Above that he fell on the few stairs, his shoulder hitting the carpeted floor.
“Omigod!” King George jumped up, “Ollie, are you alright?!”
Ollie nodded a little, still in shock. He definitely was going to get fired now. He knew what Credence did to servants who spilled something, and he just threw over the whole cup!
“You're not okay,” King George stated, “You burned your arm. Oh Ollie, I'm so sorry.”
“Uhm what?” Ollie asked, not understanding.

Just at that moment, Credence walked in. He oversaw everything in just a moment.
“Mr. Aedeline!” he said shocked, “What is this mess?! You're fired!”
Ollie cringed as he overheard his fate. He was near crying, but tried not to show it in front of the King.
“Not so fast Credence,” King George spoke up, “It was my fault. I just dropped my crown on the floor and Ollie here tripped over it. Please, he needs a doctor, not a dismissal. Bring him to Mrs. Pomfrey.” At the doubting look of the steward, he added: “And that's an order from your king!”
Credence looked down: “I understand, sire. I will do as you ask, sir. If I couldn't do that, what kind of steward would I be?”
When Credence and Ollie were outside, Credence grabbed Ollie violently by his arm: “You're lucky the king was there, boy. If it was up to me you'd have been fired. For now, I'll bring you to Mrs. Pomfrey. But if make a mistake one more time, you're out!”

“Ow poor kid,” Mrs. Pomfrey said while taking care of Ollie, “What happened?”
“I, uh… kind of tripped and spilled tea…”
“Without Credence firing you? You must be a really lucky kid then…”
“The King… he stood up for me…”
“Oh you're that boy!” Mrs. Pomfrey smiled pleasantly, “Praise yourself lucky, boy. It's nice having a king on your side.”
“M-Miss, what do you mean by that boy?” Ollie shyly asked, giving an awkward smile.
“The people have been talking. Gossiping. He really seems to like having you around. Aw, you shouldn't worry about it too much. After all, they're just the servant girls gossiping.” She sighed: “Honestly, it's all they ever do.”
The young servant boy had turned a dark shade of red, averting his gaze hard. His mind was racing, and all he thought about were those perfect blue eyes.
“I'm finished. Rest your arm a bit and you should be fine.”
“Thank you Mrs.” Ollie brought out.
“You're welcome.”
Ollie walked away.
“Oh, and Ollie?” Mrs. Pomfrey said.
“I can see why he likes you.”
Ollie gave a quick nod and immediately ran off.

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