Chapter I

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“Ollie, get my tea over here!”
Ollie ran to get the King what he asked. He had been working in the palace for three months now, and he was finding his way around. If he just stayed silent and did exactly as he'd been told, he wouldn't get in trouble. He had developed a heavy crush on the King, even though he wouldn't admit it to himself. He got lost in dreamy thoughts for a few minutes, absent-mindedly making a cup of tea. The brown-haired boy then quickly went back, walking in a steady yet careful pace. He then carefully removed a hand from under the perfect silver plate to knock softly.

“Come in!” the King looked up from the letter he was writing. “Oh, hi Ollie, you can put it over there.”
Ollie put the tea down and walked into a corner. He glanced over at the King. He was so… cute! He wasn't nice, or especially sweet… he just had some sense of kindness around him. They had never talked much, the King treated him like, well, a servant. What was it? Was it like friendship? Can you even be friends with a King? But Ollie realised something different was going on. Something bigger. Was it… love? But you can only love a woman, right? Why would that be, actually? Can't a man love another man? Women can love men, so why wouldn't men be able to?

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