Chapter IV

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The servant boy looked up at the clock, and gasped shortly. 3.10 PM, he was late. Quickly sprinting, he eventually made it to the door, hastily knocking with one hand.
“Come in!” a voice sounded from inside.
He quickly opened the door and closed it behind him, putting the perfect silver plate in his hand down and falling to his knees, scared for dear life. “I’m so sorry, please forgive me, your Highness! Please if you tell Credence I’ll be dead!” The servant boy quickly brought out, his voice clear, though he spoke very quickly with a slight quiver.
“Ssh, Ollie calm down, what is going on?” the King spoke up.
Ollie was still just pleading for God who knows what. “I-I was late…”
“Oh,” King George checked his watch, “I was working so hard I totally forgot the time too. Well, I can't fire you for something I did too, right?”
“Wo- Won't you tell Credence?” Ollie asked, his voice still shivering a bit.
“I won't,” King George smirked a bit, “if you go make me another tea right now.”
“Y-Yes, your Highness, sorry, your Highness!” He stepped back, nearly tripped and ran to the kitchen. Dang, how could King George be so attractive!? And so the rest of the day went well, and unnoticed by Credence.

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