Chapter VI

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“Your Majesty!” Credence came running in, “There are some rebels attacking the palace! You need to hide!”
King George immediately ran away, to the kitchen where Ollie, once again, was making tea. George picked Ollie up: “Come with me!”
“W-W-What…?” He turned a dark shade of red.
“We're under attack! I'll bring you to a safe place!”
“Bu-But, I-I should-” A loud clash made the young boy curl up and hide his face in George's shoulder.

The king shoved the servant boy in a secret hideout before joining himself. He closed the behind him.
“George? It's dark, and small.”
“You can sit on my lap so we have a bit more room,” King George said, “but I'm afraid we can't make light. That would be noticed from the outside.”
Ollie nodded quickly, shyly crawling onto the King’s lap. “O-Okay… S-Sire, may I ask something?”
“Sure,” George answered.
“W-Why did you come and get me? You could’ve gone here straight away, y-you’ve taken such a risk for me…”
King George blushed: “I- I don't know, honestly.” After a short silence he added: “I think I like you-your pants! Yeah, your pants look hot.”
Ollie looked away. “I like you…” he whispered in a soft tone.
“You do?!” the King asked, not believing his ears.
“Y-Yeah…  maybe… A lot… I’m hopeless.” Ollie put a hand to his forehead.
“No you're not.” George softly kissed Ollie on his head. “I love you, silly little boy.”
Ollie couldn't help but squeak a little. “I, uh… I mean, I… I love you too…”
King George wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by a loud clash from outside the castle. Ollie squealed.
“E-Eek! I’m scared, George…” he said, snuggling into George's shoulder. George lifted up Ollie’s head: “Don't be. Just look into my eyes.”
“O-Okay… Okay…” Ollie ended up giving a small, nervous smile, getting lost in the King’s blue eyes. The King softly presses his lips against Ollie’s.
“Your majesty,” said Credence, walking in. He saw the two, curled up together, and a look of disgust flew over his face, but he quickly got himself together: “Your majesty, they left. You're safe now.” Then he turned to Ollie: “Come with me, Mr. Aedeline.”

Once they were out of sight from King George, Credence burst out in an angry rage: “How dare you go with the King! That hideout is for Royals only! The other servants were out in the kitchen! That's where you belong! Not doing that- that- disgusting thing with the King! You're just a servant, you will never be good enough for the King! You peasant! You're fired!”
“I-I didn’t mean to, I- we-” He cut himself off, and hung his head. “C-Can I at least say goodby-”
“No,” Credence cut him off, “Go.”
He nodded, and walked to get the few things he had taken with from home.

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