May 3, 2017 (11:03 PM)

69 6 0

It was you heart,
who led me to him.
I let you guide me.
I listened to you for once.
You sent me on a quest to find love.
But you took me to a place where it
wasn't meant to be.
Somewhere forbidden,
unable for trespassing.
I found what I was looking for all along,
and in my attempt to grasp it,
I uncovered its restraint to touch.
Heart, you helped me find my true love,
but why in such conditions?
Head, you cannot change what the heart feels,
as it sometimes makes you
reckless and act on impulsivity.
But I will tell you,
it loves profusely.
It can become inattentive to reasoning
until it has broken down
into pieces affixed by ones own resiliency.

THE UNREQUITED WORDS OF A LOVER.Where stories live. Discover now