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So before you read this book!

1) There will be some rated scenes with either some swears or consensual scenes such as perhaps "sex" scenes further in. I don't usually ever write lemons ever. But if there are some scenes be warned here. I have written some perfect lemons off of Quotev with another Madara fanfic that hasn't been published on here or will ever. So I won't warn if there are any rated-M scenes.

2) This story will not follow the direct plot! As you see it is the beginning of Konoha, everyone is happy. Madara is not driven mad, or Zetsu leading anything skeptical. (He's not in here, let's say Kaguya never had him)

3) IT won't be cliche like all the other SENJU sister stories I've read.

4) Ages might be different compared to canon Naruto. It's AU so things are different in this fanfic.


The picture is Aiyama Senju! I know it's creepy but damn I'd smash too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Third POV

The village was built, at last, the two main clans that fought for centuries came to peaceful terms.

This all started with Hashirama's plan to built a new nation and views on the shinobi world. To come to agreements for finding peace between countries. Everyone seemed satisfied am I right?

Well, not for Aiyama!

She didn't like the idea of peace between the Uchiha clan. Tobirama was iffy about it but supported his brother's dreams of establishing peace and ending the war. She had no other choice. They all had to learn and endure all the pain that was lost during the war.

"Aiyama! You've been locked up in here days!" Hashirama pounded through her door from the other side and was whining from the sound of his tone. Aiyama clenched her eyes shut.

'I wish people would leave me alone,' she wondered out loud shaking her head vigorously.

"I-I'd rather be alone," she contemplated her words carefully.

"I'm coming in." That was all Hashirama said before entering. Seeing his distressed sister sat on her futon all gloomy.

'So she hasn't been taking this all too well' he frowned at the sight. Aiyama clenched her clothes tightly as tears brimmed the edges of her eyes.

"I get how you're worried. Your dream is becoming a reality. You're going to become the leading representative of our - no your village." Aiyama stopped from her sentence as she choked back her incoming tears.

"It's not the same Hashi..." she hung her head low; her hair covering her face. Hashirama felt his lip twitch upwards. "This is why tomorrow night the village is going to hold a ceremony festival to bring all the clans together! Please... adapt to our new home Aiya-nee," Hashirama placed his hand on her shoulder to make her gaze up to him.

"I-I don't know anymore..." she looked away from his gaze. A gloomy oppression consumed Hashirama. "Eeh, I think you need to get out and find someone.. and be happy since you've just turned twenty-two," Hashirama laughed making Aiyama glare at him. 'And he is twenty-one.'

"I would rather be in the presence of Tobirama if you're going to talk about marriage again." she hissed back at him.

'I was closer to Tobirama when we were children. Probably because he understood my pain more than Hashi did,' she thought.

"I-I need my otouto," she indicated Tobirama. She always got along with his advice more. This made Hashirama frown slightly. "I'll bring him then."

He got up to leave, she frowned and turned away as the darkness endure her once again being alone.


"Madara-sama!" one of the elders screamed in annoyance at their young leader. "We find it quite a disturbance how you're twenty-three and still haven't married yet, you're too stressed with your work, possibly a woman would-"

"Enough all of you crooks, making me gain a headache as it is, I don't need a woman to help me with any of my troubles. I chose all of you to be on the council. You'll not tell me what to do!" Madara growled furiously at them with their sudden push.


He looked to his right seeing Izuna his younger brother joining in. All four of the elders, Kasumi, Eiko, Tsubaki and Chiroji turned their heads to the younger second in command.

"They're right, most clan leaders eventually marry to bare heirs for the clan's need. You should follow the tradition," Izuna pressed on making Madara furrow his brows.

"We have many possible suitable women within the clan who are made to be perfect housewives-" Eiko was cut off.

"Enough! Like I said I don't need sympathy with this, I don't need a woman to marry. I'm perfectly fine," Madara stated crossing his arms over his chest, the elders can see him fuming with antagonism.

"Are you actually? We need to fulfil the clan's tradition. Every leader marries off eventually, at least you can choose who you marry. Hashirama is married and is happy! But mostly we prefer within the clan." Izuna tilted his head to look at him. Madara had his eyes closed letting his black bangs fall in front of him.

Madara sighed harshly. "Fine. I'm only doing this for the clan's sake." Madara turned to leave all of them bewildered.

'I knew he would come around after all,' Izuna snickered silently.

"Remember you have a week to choose who you would want to spend the rest of your life with before the clan elders decide!" Izuna called out which Madara responded with 'whatever' before leaving the room.

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