46: Departure

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The village had been relatively quiet since the Hokage departed along with the worldwide nations fearful rival not even a day ago. Tobirama had begun assigning missions to his ANBU select. It was quite a strange place to determine where things would be heading.

Aiyama couldn't sleep too much, she felt the trust in her surroundings drain her. She didn't want to leave against her own will if anything were to happen. She kept having thoughts of trying to talk to Jirū who is bound by chakra strings and rods preventing him from escaping his situation.

Such a Daimyo who wanted nothing but to revive someone he loved. 'Some tragic love story from some children's tales book.' She left the compound in a hurry finding a nearby library perhaps but she felt Izuna's chakra not so far from her.

"Aiya-nee!" She looked over her shoulder and saw Izuna waving which had her smile at the young man.

"Gomen, I thought you... were going to accompany your brother to wherever, so I thought I was going to be alone for the next two weeks." Aiyama dramatically says and walks away with the poor Uchiha trailing behind.

"Oh? So that is how badly you want me gone? Welp! That sucks for you then." Izuna stuck his tongue out at the woman who pouted playfully.

"Aren't you going to... um, prepare for you know what?" Izuna scratched the back of his head as the two were silently walking. Aiyama looked at him confusedly.

"Prepare for what?" She shrugged her shoulders not caring in the slightest what he was referring to.

"Y-Your wedding?" Izuna had the courage to ask since he hasn't seen her at all carrying anything relating that could be for a wedding.

"That's what I thought Madara was going to.. no wait he never mentioned anything. Ugh! I mean well... it's private so it might just be set up. Actually! I don't even have a Kimono to wear! M-Madara never said anything about me having to be apart of the preparations, I'd assume he had it all covered." Aiyama frantically was panicking while Izuna grabbed her shoulders and placed her on the bench near the Senju park.

"Relax, oniisan wouldn't dare ruin it by not having anything done on time. If at all he'd be mad, so, don't worry." Izuna pats her head and sat next to her. Aiyama calmed herself by closing her eyes and breathing in the air around her.

"I-I suppose... he is the one who has made the plans so he'll deal with that part. And as for telling the village? He said he will tell the others when the time is right. I kind of don't know why he wanted to wait." Aiyama leaned slightly on the arm edge. Izuna laughed hysterically at her naive self.

"That is because of the enemy forces who would find any type of weakness. And that is taking something valuable, haven't you seen Taki forces months ago trying to abduct Mito? Hashirama wouldn't allow that and had many bodyguards surround their home." He placed a firm hand on her shoulder seeing the change in her expression.

"I don't need protection! That man cares too much about anything in the slightest." She huffed and crossed her arms in stubbornness.

"You have to understand that isn't exactly the reason. The village would question why oniisan is allowing his wife to roam free without any guards. A higher official always makes sure their wife and children are protected at all costs. It's about the perspective and he doesn't want his reputation to drop as well. Oniisan wants what's best currently, he will tell the village when it's more secure if war isn't ready to break out either. And also... he doesn't want you to leave again. His distressed state was enough to know how exhausting that was." Izuna tried to explain the situation calmly but all he saw was Aiyama looking at him with despondent eyes.

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