39: Perception of Reality

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Aiyama couldn't move much in her cell chamber as she felt a struck of being terrified as she has been weeping in her cell. The pain was coursing through her body and aching her muscle. She now wished Madara would just rescue her and scold her later for her poor decisions. Her mind wandered to a few solid memories of being held by him. Aiyama's heart clenched at the thought. Madara cared deeply without showing it. Even when he gave others scowling looks.

There was no way he would lose to these lowly shinobi. Aiyama's body convulsed in a way that made her scared more than anything.

"H-He will save me." She whimpered silently as Aiyana kept telling herself. Her arms wrapped around her knees pulling them to her chest. She didn't know the date or what day it was. That's how long she felt cornered with the issues she silently caused. Even then, she felt like she was trapped underground in her cell for weeks even. Possibly felt like months...

When her cell door open with the rattling keys she heard echoing down the halls, she was met face to face with the one and only Jirū. Luckily none of the hungry men around had been trying their ways to rape her as they had attempted but Jirū ordered them to back away in a mean demeanour. Aiyama was mostly left alone in her cell or the odd time Reini had come around to give her water and food. Aiyana was contemplating eating or drinking in a cold barren cave thinking they're out to poison her.

"Seems like you're enjoying your stay here?" His mocking tone was contempt. Jirū held his staff next to him, his white hair spiked upwards while his white robe trailed behind him. He had six tomoes tattooed across his chest. His eyes were piercing white of the Hyuga clan. Aiyama remained passive looking down at her bare feet hugging herself in the torn white cloth she wore around herself.

'He truly is a fake. Whether he is an Otsutsuki or not, I must have my guard up at all times.'

It took nearly all of her strength to gather up venom to fire at him. "I won't be one of your toys to place with. Kill me now, Madara and my brothers will kill you anyway!" Aiyama seethed with much more anger as her fists balled with imperfection. She knew Madara would drop everything to save her... love is their weakness and she was someone who he cared about more than anyone; aside from Izuna.

"Oh? Do you think they're coming? I think you should know more to the story than bland rumours, Aiyama-san." Jirū opened the cell as a man in a black robe grabbed her arms tenaciously causing her to hiss from his grab and squeal. She tried to squirm away and groan with exhaustion.

She wanted to beg for him to let her go, tears threatened to fall as the only image that invaded her mind were the happy moments she had with her brothers, Izuna and the man she loves most: Madara himself. 'Is this it?' Gruesome images invaded her mind as if today was her last day to breathe.

Aiyama didn't fight as she thought of how useless it would be against all of them. Especially the way they dragged her causing unnecessary scrapes against her skin.

She was pulled roughly as her vision was blurry and she didn't know where she was being dragged to. She wanted the man dead more than anything for kidnapping her and harming her friends.

She still wants to know what happened to Kabira and Aoi. Her heart clenched in sadness as she was thrown into another room that was lit up like a ritual.

"So you're going to sacrifice me? Do it! Kill me then." Aiyama held a scornful look. Jirū couldn't help but chuckle deviously as an ominous aura filled the air.

"No no... I won't do that. I can't have the seven tails spawning elsewhere. However, I can't promise if you'll live through the process. I need you to hear what the truth is whether you believe it or not." The old man tapped his cane on the cold stone floor.

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