6: Refusal Purposes

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"Really niisan?! You chose her?" Izuna looked up at him with an astonishing look of amazement.

"I can't believe it! I mean— that's amazing!" he said again which Madara didn't say anything but walked passed him. He had told the elders that he wanted nothing to do with the greedy women from his clan and that he had an interest in another.

He had walked outside and was almost slapped to the face by a certain 'Senju' which he caught her wrist before it made contact with his face.

"How dare you persuade my brother into this!" her voice was latched with venom. He took a step back just in case she tried anything new.

"You better watch your tone." Madara had warned her making her growl, still, she had narrowed her eyes at him.

"Break it off."


"Please!" she pleaded; he still didn't say anything but walk passed her leaving her to stand there with confusion.

"Well, aren't you going to follow?" he asked with a hint of annoyance which she glared at him.

Upon following him, they were back by the lake. She liked the breeze that surrounded them. She sat down by the tree holding her legs to her chest.

"Well? Why did you want me to follow you here... um, M-Madara?" she stuttered as he just watched his soon to be future wife hide her face between the palms of her hands.

He enjoyed the sight of her. She was indeed still beautiful.

"Don't you remember this place? When we were young children.." He questioned sitting next to her. She pushed herself away quickly. She won't let herself fall for him a second time.

"What? I'm not a disease?"

"I'm sure you are," she rolled her eyes which he clicked his tongue at the woman with annoyance.

"I'm still not sure why you brought me here for some fond memories?" she said softly as she let her legs fall beside her as she laid on her side at this point.

"We did have something before... I'm sorry for what I did, you may not forgive me now but I hope someday you do." He sighed before he stood up.

Aiyama felt herself trembled at his words. 'Had he just apologize to me?'

"I um.. I'm sorry it's difficult for me." She stammered again as he towered over her. She sat back up against the tree still trying to avoid his gaze. Some parts of his hair were covering half his face. His expression relaxed as he watched the woman quiver.

"Please look at me for once woman!" he was growing impatient as she flinched at his tone. As she slowly looked up at him, her purple orbs meeting his black ones. His stare eased off just when he bent down to her level. He knew that she was slightly scared of him still due to that incident. He didn't like the fact she feared him at all.

"I promise this time, I won't hurt you." He quietly says while pushing some of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

All she did was nod her head still ignoring his words before standing up. "I should head hack than-"

Before she could finish, foreign shinobi had appeared out of the trees. "Not Leaf Shinobi..." Madara implicated before showing his Sharingan to get a closer look at them.

"Tsch... Those Takigakure bastards."

"So it seems the great Uchiha Madara is here." One of them purred before looking at Aiyama ludicrously. "Kill him, but I want her alive." He licked his lips making Aiyama look at him in disgust.

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