27: Fighting till Near Death

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"Madara! Two o'clock!" Izuna shouted as Iwagakure shinobi poured into the scene. Helping them from the disastrous Daimyo. Madara smirked back before retreating inside seeing three of the Takigakure shinobi circle around something intriguing.

"You all should be fighting this war you caused." Madara sneered seeing Kabira tremble while turning her head back seeing the awful warlord in perfect condition. She looked at him with teary eyes wanting nothing from him. Madara bit down his tongue so he wouldn't say anymore noticing how lost she seemed.

His eyes scanned the area and soon widen when he saw her lying unconscious. "What the hell happened?!" he couldn't move and nor could they speak out an explanation.

Kahiko had died protecting her as well. "Her chakra was nearly depleted... we need to kill Jirū. This is what she would have wanted." Aoi stood up seeing him look frustrated. He walked over to where Kabira was; holding her protectively, even though Madara wouldn't dare hurt Aiyama. Kabira had an awful protective instinct and moved back slightly.

He looked pained and clenched his hands tightly to see Aiyama in such a state. "Don't speak as if you've known her for years. Who did this?" He growled whilst Kabira shook her head. Madara wouldn't tear his gaze off the woman who laid unconscious and in pain.

"It wouldn't matter... the Daimyo fled." She softly spoke and then Izuna and Tobirama walked into the room. His expression showed shock and had an acrimony glint in his eyes; frightening to gaze at. Izuna soon rushed to her side to see that she was unconscious, and in need of medical attention.

"We must get her back to the village now. My brother can heal her quickly." Tobirama says as he was receiving some quick nods. Madara soon had taken the woman out of Kabira's hold. He was much faster than these imbeciles except Tobirama could beat him in a flash.

"I'll be the one to rush her back to the village." Madara was emotionless even though his worry was eating away at him. He vanished using a teleporting technique to get him out of the cave and disappeared quickly without receiving what they were going to say next.

Tobirama hissed thinking that now Aiyama's life was in his hands. "I'm faster than that prude." He clenched his fists tightly wanting to run after him only to think of how that would delay her from reaching the village.

"Don't talk about my brother like that, Senju. Surprise dimwit! He actually cares about her as much as all of us do." Izuna wanted to hit him but he restrained himself from doing so. He was in an emotional shock and needed reassurance about the entire situation.



Madara finally returned to the village in a few hours of constant running. He actually felt a little more concerned about her. He shouldn't have left her side. He wanted to kill that Daimyo... he wouldn't let anyone he cares about die in the hands of the enemy. 'Make friends with the enemy, that is how you'll survive in this world.'

"Madara! You're back-"

Hashirama stopped by the gate seeing Madara carry his sister limply in his arms. Fear washed over his face when he took notice and assumed of the worst.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" he ran towards him in a distinct hurry. He scanned her condition and seeing her painful expression. She was clinging onto Madara's shirt and breathing heavily into his chest.

"Shut up and get her into an infirmary. Can you prepare for immediate first aid?" Madara shot the man a short death glare before looking down at the woman he carried. His emotions would get the best of him as he inhaled trying to calm his sanity.

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