3: Peace Treaty Gone Wrong

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When I made this... I didn't know there were other stories of OCs who have crystal style. I know it's not the most creative thing obviously. It makes more sense if a Senju has it than other OCs imo. She's not OP though, this story is way different.



The three of them had been cutting down the Hidden Waterfall shinobi for hours. Without having to break a sweat and exhaustion taking over them. Aiyama still went at her enemies one by one.

"Crystal style! Pentagonal prison!" Aiyama wielded her hand signs as crystal-like prison formed from the ground up immobilizing some of her enemies in cases of crystal prisons.

'Seven down... more to go!'

"Crystal style: Growing Crystal Thorns!" Aiyama then pushed her hands to the ground as she manipulated crystals to shoot up from the hard ground and towards the three men that stood still in their direction. Catching them off guard as they were trapped poorly by her Jutsu. Most of which were killed in the process.

Aiyama had fallen to the ground feeling exhausted from her technique.

Sweating and panting as each one of them had been attacking non-stop. Aiyama was soon feeling her forehead burning up with anticipation. She snipped her head back to see three men jump down from the branches to make a blow.

'Tsch! Damnit I can't use more of my crystal style!' she had screamed in her mind vigorously.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Aiyama clamped her hands down to the ground just as they were blocked from a barrier that stood in their way.

Each of them was yelling with animosity burning inside them. Antagonism grew with the tension that swirled in the air.

"You imbecile!" one screamed, making Aiyama laugh in amusement. "You rats won't go far."

With that Tobirama jumped out of the trees noticing the mess that was created. He formed a few hand signs before saying anything.

"Water Style! Water Slicer!" he appeared next to Aiyama as the mud wall was trampled by a linear wave of water that travelled at high speeds to attack the Hidden Waterfall men.

It had sliced the wall clean and the rest of the targets were already gone as blood was splattered everywhere.

Izuna had landed beside them with his Sharingan blazing red at the site.

~ hours before

"Please accept this! No one needs to die!" Aiyama reached up to the leader handing him a scroll of peace signed by the Hokage himself. The leader stood there holding a blank stare and was known as Hisen who was the ruler of Takigakure.

"Peace?! Do you call this peace?! We will never stop pursuing in what we desire! And no one will stop us until we cut down every last bit of shinobi that exists in this world!"

His voice eradicated the temple making everyone shook in the worst outcome.


"You want many innocent people to die?!" Tobirama stepped forward showing conniption in his eyes. His stare never leaving the powerful man in charge.

Izuna gripped the handle of his katana tighter that rested on his waist.

The three stood in shock and horror took over themselves. "How could you..." was all Aiyama could make out.

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