10: Embarrassing Moments

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Aiyama sat on her bed pondering carelessly. Having to retract her fallen memories of the day Madara had betrayed her, but she soon felt like she was forgiving him.

She had no idea why, but perhaps it was because he seems more caring now than he used to.

A loud knock threw her thoughts away before she shouted for whoever to enter. She still sat on her bed comfortably, not wanting to get up. Izuna stood at the doorway chuckling at the woman.

"Get ready! Niisan wants to see you." He pounced on her bed causing the woman to gasp slightly at the sudden movement.

Aiyama wondered what the elder Uchiha brother had wanted. Without any further ado from the younger Uchiha who pounced out of the room. Aiyama slowly got out of her sleepless bed that stood in the centre of the room. Hoping over to her closet to change. She retracted her gaze and stood still by how amazing the morning looked outside.

Aiyama slowly slid the shoji door open and saw the thin sheets of clouds covering parts of the sky. She inhaled sharply feeling the warm air touch her light skin. She retreated back into her room swiftly and started to navigate where Madara would be. Still having to wonder what he wanted her for.

As she walked around the extraordinary complex exploring the place and rooms. She had no idea where he was. Well, so she thought.

"You take forever to get ready..." A husky voice made her shudder right behind her. She nearly gasps turning around to lock her eyes with his. He chuckles at her reaction which she shook her head. She wanted to snarl at the Uchiha.

"Why do you want to see me this early?" The Senju woman huffed her cheeks which laminated red. He rolled his eyes but pulled her to sit down with him on the couch. "I would rather stand." She grumbled feeling a little agitated under his cold stare.

"The opposing villages want war... so most of all we may either quicken the wedding or postponed till after. And I want you and my otouto to stay in the village. Just don't do anything radical or reckless..." the Uchiha calmly said bluntly. Aiyama observed his movements without saying another word.

"Fine... once we get married... I still want my bedroom." She sighed feeling lamented from the cause. She still had to marry him and make both clans happy.

"I wouldn't like the idea of my wife sleeping in another bed. But I wouldn't just jump there yet." Madara sneered making the Senju woman growl in response.

"Would... I will be able to leave the Uchiha compound?" she questioned as she fiddled with her kimono. He rolled his eyes at her question.

"Of course you can. I can be ruthless, yes, but I wouldn't forbid you to leave the complex. I'm not going to lock you up if that's what you're getting at." He turned away from her and began to walk in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Aiyama shouted as she caught up to the Uchiha. "To make plans with your idiotic brothers with the conundrums we have." Madara snarled as Aiyama stopped following him.

She made a 'tsk' noise before leaving back to her room.

"Aiyama-san!" Sayumi voiced from a distance making the Senju woman stop in her tracks. She noticed that Sayumi wasn't alone. She was with two other women she didn't recognize.

"I am lucky to of found you here." Sayumi softly smiled causing Aiyama to look at her weirdly. More or so Aiyama wondered who the two girls she was with.

"Oh, my bad. We are going to the hot springs. Sayumi pointed to the older woman, "This is Uchiha Kiyoko and this right here is my sister Ayomi." She introduced as the two women smiled and bowed.

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