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Let's start again shall we?

NEW STORY - enjoy !

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Picture Of Tyler On The Side :)


"you'll be fine sweetie, just relax and smile. I really have to get to work now but i'll see you tonight at dinner. Behave." My mother gave me a stern look before smiling at the deputy principle and disappearing down the empty hallway of my new school. I gulped and looked up at my new deputy, who was smiling at me sweetly. Wrinkles formed at the corner of her eyes and there was a bit of lipstick on her teeth. I didn't bother saying anything.

"Now, Horton High has the most advanced facilities in the region, and you're welcome to use them anytime you like. We also have very strict rules, but I'm sure you'll behave well. We have a no tolerance for bullying either, so if someone does bother you, you just come straight down to the office and speak to me or Head Master Dolton and we'll deal with it straight away. Now, while you don't have to wear normal uniform to school, you are expected to wear the sport uniform when ever you have sport or a sporting activity is on. Now, let me show you around the school..." I chose that moment to tune out then - only catching a few snippets of what she was saying. I'd nod at the appropriate times and try and let out a laugh when she was telling a joke.

Finally, the agonizing tour was over and she dropped me off at my first class. There wasn't much of it left, but I went anyway, wanting to make time pass by in anyway possible.

As soon as I finished setting my stuff out on the table, the bell had rung. I let out a sigh before packing everything up again and getting up to find my next class.

The hallway was crowded. People were shoving and trying to get past people everywhere while others huddled up in small groups talking. I looked down at my time table and started walking, looking up occasionally to try and get out of the sea of students.

I had advanced English now. A brightened up a bit. English was my favorite subject and I always looked forward to the classes. I folded my time table neatly and started to put it back into my bag when I bumped into something warm and solid. The thing was so solid that I staggered backwards, and almost lost my balance. People around me gasped and I looked around To find them looking at me, then trailing their eyes to something in front of me.

I looked up to find a tall guy staring down at me. I'm pretty sure drool starting forming at the corner of my lips and I had to resist the urge to check. His eyes we're a mixture of blue and green, and we're staring down at me with so much hatred and anger that I was taken aback. His lips were full and pink, and his jawline had to be illegal. I studied the faint freckles that we're sprawled across his face closely. Oh my god I sounded like such a creep.

His lips started moving, bringing me back to reality.

"Um, what?" I blurted. A few snickers came from the crowd and Mr. Hot face's friend beside him chuckled.

"Oh look, she's blind and deaf." She snarled sarcastically. My eyes widened for a moment before a frown appeared on my face. I wasn't going to let him walk all over me. I wasn't. I wasn't.

"Sorry." I muttered, walking away. I mentally scolded myself. Good job Emma, he's probably weak in the knees from how scared he is of you now.

I stopped talking to myself mentally and desperately searching for my class. It turns out I had walked right passed it.

I ran in the opposite direction and started searching for the room number. By the time I found it, I was puffing heavily. "Sorry I'm late. I didn't know where the class was..." I looked up at the teacher and she looked at me with sympathy.

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