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Abandoned Factory Building, Philadelphia

"You remember me, don't you?" sneered Megatron as Sam started to walk down the stairs. Matsuri swallowed thickly once she saw Megatron's optics glance at her for a brief second before turning back to Sam.

"I did what you said, okay? Just don't hurt us." Sam stated weakly.

"Shut up!" Megatron snapped before grabbing and throwing him onto a concrete slab. Mikaela's call and Sam's grunts of pain snapped her out of it. She went to the railing and saw Megatron pinning Sam down with his claws.

"Let him go!" She jumped on the railing and was about to jump towards the mech when a piercing pain entered her mind, making her double over and over the railing.

"Matsuri!" She heard Mikaela shout before hitting the floor below. The physical pain from the fall was overpowered by the mental pain.

"I suggest not doing that again, girl." Megatron growled. "I can bring you pain without touching a hair on your head."

Matsuri grabbed at her head, trying to get rid of the pain but it just intensified. She could faintly hear the others- though not what they were saying. She didn't know how long she was in pain, writhing on the floor when the pain vanished as a loud crash sounded.

"Matsuri, come on!" Sam was there, helping her up and through the newly created hole.

"Sam, Matsuri!" Optimus called before he jumped out of the hole and transformed, allowing the two to slip in. They got onto a road before going into the forest. "Are you, alright?"

"You came in just in time." Matsuri stated weakly, still recovering.

"Matsuri, what's-"

"Don't worry about it."

"Here he comes!" shouted Sam as Megatron came out of the trees and blasted at Optimus. Optimus quickly had Matsuri and Sam in his hand when he transformed and was tackled. As he rolled, he let the two go, causing the two to tumble. They were back on their feet in a second and bolted.

"Hide!" Optimus ordered before punching Megatron- though the silver mech recovered quickly and tacked Optimus while the autobot was in midair. Optimus got to his feet and used a large tree and slammed it down on Megatron. He seemed to be winning until Megatron called for his decepticons which consisted of a chopper that looked similar to Blackout and Starscream.

"Come here, boy!" Starscream sneered, causing the two humans to bolt. Matsuri could hear the fighting going on behind them but she didn't look back. All she could do is to stay with Sam. The two eventually made it to a downed trunk and hide behind it, listening.

"There is another source of energon hidden on this planet. They boy could lead us to it." Megatron snarled.

Matsuri and Sam ran before hiding behind a tree and watching the fight.

"Optimus!" Sam shouted as Megatron kicked Optimus in the face. He took a few bullets before taking arm to his face and then a blast to his chest, sending him flying towards them. They jumped over a tree and slid just as Optimus landed near them.

"Is the future of our race not worth a single human life?" Megatron growled.

"Get up... get up!" shouted Sam.

"You'll never stop at one." Optimus managed to get in a crouching position. His free hand turned into a sword. "I'll take you all on!"

He whirled around and began to attack. Pretty soon, he ripped off Starscream's arm and slapped the seeker with it before proceeding to rip the chopper's face in half. He jumped off the body before using his hook to pull the body down to the ground.

"Sam, Matsuri, where are you?" Optimus stumbled. The two humans began to come out from behind the log before both froze as fingers grabbed the leader's shoulder and a blade came ramming into his back and the tip came out of his chest. The two watched in horror as Optimus was lifted off the ground and into the air.

"You're so weak." sneered Megatron before shooting straight through Optimus' spark chamber.

Matsuri trembled as Megatron ripped the blade out and Optimus was on his feet for a moment before he fell to the ground seemingly in slow motion. She didn't move as the dust swept passed her, all she could do was to stare at the dented and dirtied face of Optimus.

"Sam, Matsuri...run..." Optimus stated weakly before his optics faded until there was only grey. Something in Matsuri died in that moment- what she wasn't sure, but she felt it.

She felt Sam grab her by the waist and bolted and the rest of the autobots came out from the trees, firing at the incoming decepticons. Bumblebee skidded to a stop and opened his door, so Sam could slip in without much time wasted. Matsuri was in his lap once the door shut and Sam held her close, rubbing her back. He whispered soothing things to her, but she took no notice. All she saw Optimus, laying there dead. One of her autobots had just died.

And there was nothing she could do about it.

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