Decepticons Arrive

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I'd like to contradict myself from my last A/N. Someone is going to lend me some help with the last book after The Last Knight, so this series actually might not end with The Dark of the Moon. Rejoice!


Egypt, Africa

They were driving towards the village that Optimus and Lennox's team is at and it wasn't long before they saw a flare flung high into the air, shining brightly.

"That's them, right there. See the flare?" questioned Sam.

"Right over there!" Simmons pointed.

The joy didn't last long as missiles started to come flying at them and the three autobots swerved out of the way.

"Shit!" Matsuri yelped, wincing as she slammed into the door on a hard swerve. They got off the paved road and drove on a path that lead to some building.

"Oh god, please, god! Please!" Leo suddenly cried, causing Matsuri to jolt, her ears pressing against her head.

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out." Mikaela told her calmly.

"Shut this guy up, huh?" Simmons growled over Leo's blabbering.

"Please, just let me live, just let me live." balled Leo.

"Shut up and let him drive!" Mikaela stated.

"Just stop screaming..." Sam told Leo.

"Alright, that's it!" snapped Simmons as he took out a taser and tased Leo, who slumped and passed out. "I can't take that guy, anymore."

The three autobots came into what looked like a yard of some building when Starscream suddenly flew in, transforming right in front of them. Bee quickly swerved around the seeker followed by the twins. The seeker leapt, shooting at them before they pulled around a mound of dirt and everyone quickly got out once they stopped.

"We gotta split up." Sam told us. "Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the decepticons away, alright? I'm gonna get Optimus."

"I'll help draw their fire with Lui and Dui over there." Simmons stated. "You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid."

Sam nodded before nudging Mikaela and began running with Matsuri running after. Matsuri ran passed the two and kept going before she skidded to a stop, just inches from a cliff that overlooked a town.

"Look," Sam pointed out the flares once he and Mikaela were beside Matsuri. "There it is. We got a couple of miles."

They carefully made their way down the cliffs thanks to one or two trails and began to run again, their shoes dipping into the soft sand. They weaved through the buildings as they got to them and continued and that's when Matsuri could have sworn she heard Megatron's voice ringing out.

"Decepticons, begin our assault!"

"We gotta go faster!" She quickly told them. They began to push themselves, staying in the safety of the large pillars and structures. They could hear multiple, muffled landings and one fireball went over their heads and landed. They continued until they hid behind a wall as Sam saw Starscream banking in the distance.

"Sam, Matsuri." Mikaela whispered, making the two look at her. She was carefully opening the door and the other two quickly followed her in.

"I don't think they saw us." Sam mumbled before walking over to the furthest wall. "Get down."

Mikaela sat down next to a window made of bottles or glass bottles and Matsuri hid with Sam. He waited a moment before sneaking over to his girlfriend. "Hey, listen. Once it's clear, we run for Optimus as fast as we can, okay?"

"What if it doesn't work?" she questioned quietly.

"It's gonna work."

"Yeah, but what if it doesn't."

"It's gonna work. It'll work." He touched her cheek before starting to stand, holding onto her hand before that was a thud, making Sam go back over to Matsuri and making a quiet gesture at Mikaela. A shadow passed over the windows and garbles of Cybertronian could be heard. Mikaela pressed her hands over her mouth, trying not to make a sound.

Matsuri was vaguely aware of Sam's movements as she listened to the garbles, whirls and explosions that were going on from outside. What she did notice was that Sam now had a small, insect-like bot pinched between his thumb and finger and he was taking the head off to deactivating it.

It was a quiet few seconds and then the roof was suddenly ripped off and there stood Starscream, leering down at them.

"Sam, Mikaela, go!" Matsuri shouted before she jumped through the new exit that the seeker created and bolted, causing him to momentarily set his sights on her. She bolted away, hoping that some of the decepticons were going after her. She didn't know how long she bobbed and weaved through structures and buildings before she heard shouting close by and explosions going off. She turned the corner and saw Sam, Ron, Judy and Mikaela trying to get out of their little shelter.

"Sam!" she shouted as she began to run, catching their attention.

"Matsuri?!" Ron frowned. She continued to run over until there was an explosion right next to her, sending her flying into the wall hard and knocking the wind out of her.

"Matsuri!" Sam yelled worriedly before running over, helping her up and taking her back to the others. He let her go before pushing Ron into the back of the care and looked around. "Bee! Bumblebee!"

Bumblebee walked into his line of sight and the bot looked at his charge, waiting for Sam's words.

"You get them somewhere safe, all right?" Sam turned towards Ron. "You've got to get in the car and get to safety."

"No! This isn't up for discussion!" shouted Ron, gripping his son's jacket. "You're my son! You're my son!"

"I know! Dad..."

"We all go together!"


"We're all going together!"

"Dad, stop, okay? Get in the car. He's gonna get to safety. You know, you run. You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. You hear what I'm saying, okay? I'll find you when you're safe."


"You've got to let me go, dad. You must let me go. You have to."

"Ron..." Judy spoke up. "Ron. Ron, let him go."

"You come back!" Ron told Sam. "You and your sister!"

Ron grabbed Judy's hand and ran towards Bee.

"Mikaela! Mikaela!" Judy called back but the young woman wasn't moving to follow.

"Go with my parents." Sam told Mikaela.

"I'm not gonna go without you." She stated as she stared into Sam's eyes. Sam stared back before grabbing her hand and the three began to run together.

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