Reviving Optimus Prime

991 23 3

Egypt, Africa

They hid in a crumbled, small building and looked out of the large hole and, to their relief, Ironhide and the Arcee triplets came into view, looking around. One of the triplets looked over and caught sight of them.

"Spotted Sam!" Elita called as she and her sisters started to roll towards them.

"Sam!" Ironhide started to jog over. "Matsuri!"

"Ironhide!" Sam called back.

"Follow us to the pillars." Aree stopped at the hole. "We'll take you to Optimus."

Just when they were about to move, the four autobots were suddenly ambushed and Arcee went down followed by Elita.

"Get out, Sam! Get to the pillars!" Ironhide commanded as he returned fire and the three humans were quick to follow his instructions though Sam left his jacket behind. They got out of the building and ran as fast as they could to the pillars, dodging decepticons and possible friendly fire.

Matsuri could feel a tingle on the back of her neck but ignored it as they turned the corner.

"Hey!" Sam shouted once we caught sight of the bots. A trail of explosions suddenly lit up behind them and they quickly dropped to the sand, hoping to let some of the airborne shots sail over them. Guns were going off on both sides, pillars were toppling over and all Matsuri wanted was this to stop.

"Come on!" Will's voice suddenly pierced the air and then she was being helped up by Mikaela and Sam. They ran to a broken piece of a wall that was still standing and hid behind it beside Will and Robert.

"You better have a good reason for us to be here." Will told Sam.

"Hey Will, it's nice to see you too." Matsuri greeted sarcastically, making Will give her a look before looking at Sam.

"Where's Optimus?" Sam questioned.

"He's right over there." Will nodded over, making them look. "Across the courtyard."

"I got to get to him right now."

"Not with an air strike coming."

"I have to get to him right now."

Will glanced up before he quickly ushered the three to the corner as a decepticon started to make its way towards their hiding spot. A blast suddenly came from over them and looked like it hit some of the men a distance away.

"INCOMING!" A sudden yell shouted. "Stick the landing."

There was a crash and then there was Jetfire, striding over. "Behold the glory of Jetfire!"

He hit the con and then put its neck against the wall. "Now let me show you how we brought the pain in my day!"

He stomped on the con's neck and sending its head flying. Just as they were about to let out a breather, there was a rumble and suddenly, Scorpinok burst from the sands and into Jetfire's torso. The con started to drill into him, but he managed to rip him off and slammed his fist on the con's head. "I'm too old for this crap."

"You okay, Jetfire?" asked Matsuri.

"I'm just dandy." Jetfire grumbled.

"We're gonna make a break through the B's on my command, okay?" Will told the three. "You guys stick with me, you understand? Stay on my ass."

The three nodded and they, Will and Robert started to get ready to run for it.

"I hope these F-16s got good aim." Robert commented.

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