Finding the Matrix

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Egypt, Africa

Night fell upon them and everyone was settled in- well, almost everyone. Sam and Mikaela were up in a tower, Simmons and Leo was at the bottom floor was down below, snoring while leaning against each other and Matsuri was outside, sitting on the ground and looking over the now dark city. People would be asleep by now with their family, one thing Matsuri wish she could do right now.

"Yo, you okay there, little sis?" questioned Mudflap as he rolled over to her, along with Skids and Bumblebee.

"I'm fine." Matsuri mumbled, lifting her jacket sleeve and running over Ratchet's name before doing the same with Ironhide's. "I just miss the others."

"Don't worry, we'll meet up with them real soon." piped up Skids.

"I hope you're right."

Bee made a whirring sound in an offer of comfort, making Matsuri smile.

"Thank you, guys."

The moment between the four was cut off by Sam's voice.

"Simmons! Leo! Wake up!"

Matsuri stood up just as the sun began to rise. The others came running out and Sam pointed to three specific stars.

"Okay, see those stars? You see how the last one touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings and the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face."

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons added.

"Let's go." Sam walked over to bee and with the other following and they slipped inside and then they were off. They drove on a road towards their destination and they got there by noon.

They got out of Bee and began to walk.

"It's gotta be around here somewhere." huffed Simmons. Sam looked up and stop, making the other do so as well. A entrance was there, looming over them as if it was beckoning them inside.

They ran inside only to find nothing, just an empty room with some painting on the back wall. Sam glanced around before speaking. "It's in here somewhere, guys."

"Yeah, why?" Leo asked. "'Cause we're trusting grandpa blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?"

"In his defense, this is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my life."

"Oh, okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, alright?" Leo looked around. "Uh...nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before? There's nothing here."

Matsuri sat there, her eye twitching as Sam sat in front of the painting and Mikaela watching the two getting into it verbally.

"Real life is heartbreak, despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!" Simmons shouted.

"I'm listening to you? You live with your mother!" Snapped Leo.

"It's not over." stated Sam.

"It is over. It's done."

"That's ENOUGH!" Matsuri shouted, punching a hole with her cybertronian hand through the painted wall, making Sam jump up. She pulled her hand out of the wall and stared Leo down.

"If Sam says it's not over, IT'S NOT OVER!"

"Woah!" yelped Leo, staring at the whole in the wall.

"Matsuri." Sam spoke, making her look at him. He was staring at the hole and that's when she noticed a breeze. Maybe...

"Bumblebee." called Sam as he and Matsuri took a step back. "Shoot it."

Be walked over, his hand turning into his plasma cannon and shot at the hole, making it larger. Sam got out a flashlight and peered into the hole. I could see cybertronian bodies making a dome. Their faces showed acceptance in their fate to Matsuri. They walked inside to the hand that sat in the middle of the dome. In that hand was a small metal object Sam and Matsuri knew just what it was in that moment.

The Matrix.

Sam knelt and carefully started to lift it up by the two ends. He just got it off from the hand when it suddenly fell apart, falling from his hands and to a dust pile.

"No..." he breathed, his eyes wide in denial. "No..."

"Thousands of years, turned to dust." mumbled Simmons.

"This isn't how it's supposed to end..."

A sudden noise- a rumble- started to sound from the outside, making SImmons run out. "US Air Force! C-17s!"

"What's a C-17?" questioned Leo before he ran out after Simmons.

"You can't bring him back, Sam." Mikaela told him quietly. "There's nothing left."

"Look! Look around you. We didn't just go through everything we went through for no reason at all and to just have it end like this. There is a reason that we are here. The voices and symbols in my head led us here for a purpose." Sam stated before reaching down to remove his sock.

"Here." Matsuri handed him her beanie. Sam gave her a grateful look and began to fill it with the dust.

"Everyone's after me because of what I know and what I know is that this is going to work."

"How do you know it's going to work?" questioned Mikaela.

"Because, we believe it." Matsuri answered this time. The three ran out just in time to barely see Optimus' body falling in the distance- Matsuri does at least.

"You think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?" questioned Simmons.

"Absolutely." Sam walked passed him and Leo. "Let's go."

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