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New York

Matsuri was curled into a ball in the darkness, trying to not listen to Megatron's mocking remarks. The mech just had to appear in her dream as soon as she fell asleep and he didn't waste any time gloating. She wanted to wake up to get away from him and his taunts. His taunts grew more vulgar and cruel as time went on.

A distant voice suddenly came through the darkness, cutting Megatron off with his taunts. The voice sounded...old, laced with wisdom. It was a voice she never heard before and she wanted to know who it was. She couldn't hear the words, they sounded distant and muffled.

She strained her ears, but it didn't get any better, so she floated there and waited, taking comfort of the muffled, indistinguishable words from this new presence, wanting to know more-


"Hey, wake up." she heard Mikaela tell her as the older girl shook her awake. She blinked her eyes open, rubbing her eyes. She had her head in Mikaela's lap and she could see that it was daylight out now and they were parked on what she figured was a street.

"Where..."Matsuri yawned before slowly sitting up.

"We're at the deli where this guy is supposed to work." Sam supplied.

Mikaela slipped the beanie over Matsuri's head, making sure that she had as much hair as she can cover, covered.

The four slipped out of the car, Sam putting on a cap, and walked in front of the deli before Leo turned to the three and told them to stay there before heading inside.

Sam put up his hood after a moment and began to shift his weight before he huffed and began to walk into the deli. Matsuri and Mikaela glanced at each other before following.

"It's him!" she heard Leo shout. "It's him! That's the guy right there! That's him!"

"You gotta be kidding me." Sam breathed in disbelief as he tugged his hood off. Matsuri peeked over his shoulder and froze at what she saw.

"All right, meat store's closed!" Simmons announced, ushering the customers out. "Everybody out! Out, right now!"

"Wait a minute. You know this guy?" asked Leo.

"We're old friends." Sam stated, slightly sarcastic.

"Old friends?" Simmons turned to him. "You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh, disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you, your little criminal girlfriend and the experiment."

"Moron! Where's the whitefish?" asked a woman from a doorway.

Matsuri pressed her ears against her head underneath the beanie, wanting to press her face against Sam's back.

"You live with your mama?" Mikaela asked suddenly, making the other girl blink.

"No, my mama lives with me. Big difference. They got your face all over the news, alien boy."

"Yeah, I know." Sam muttered.

"And NBE-One is still kicking, huh? How did that happen? Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, good-bye, you never saw me. I got bagels to schmear, vanish." Simmons began to walk away but Sam quickly stopped him.

"Can you give me five seconds? Look, hold on, I need your help."

"Really? You need my help?"

"I need-" Sam took off his hat. "Look, I am slowly losing my mind. Okay, I had a little crab-bot, plunge a device into the soft tissues of my brain and started projecting little alien symbols like a freaking home movie! And on top of that, I'm a wanted fugitive. So, you think you got it rough?"

"You said it projected images off your brain?"


"Meat locker, now." Simmons turned and lead them to the said locker. Matsuri frowned as they walked in, eyeing the swaying pigs. She loved meat, but she didn't like being in a cold room full of dead animals.

"Dead pigs." Leo mumbled.

"What you're about to see is top secret." stated Simmons as he crouched. "Do not tell my mother."

He opened the trap door and went down the ladder with the three following after him. Inside was filled with cabinets, files and some books. Matsuri looked over towards the desk and saw the head of Frenzy sitting there in a dome.

"Hey!" Simmons slapped Leo's hand as he tried to reach to touch the glass dome. "Still radioactive, hands off."

Simmons grabbed the file before pausing and then turning to Matsuri. "By the way, how's the little energizer bunny from hell?"

"He's currently working for NEST as communications personnel." Matsuri replied with her arms crossed.

"Not too shabby." Simmons stated with a slight sarcastic tone before looking at Sam and holding a file open. "Okay, Cube-brain. Any of this look like the symbols you saw?"

"Where'd you get these?" Sam questioned as he grabbed the file and began to look it over.

"Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel," Simmons climbed onto some cabinets. "Over 15 years of alien research, which points to one inescapable fact. The Transformers, they've been here a long, long time. How do I know?"

He pulled out a big folder before tossing it to Leo, who caught it before continuing. "Archeologists found these unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world."

He climbed down and started to lay photographs out all over the table.

"China. Egypt. Greece." He turned on a old projector and put some footage in before pointing at the images. "Shot in 1932. These the symbols you're seeing in your head?"


"Same ones over here, right? So, tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same things? Aliens. And I think some of them stayed.

"Check this out. Project Black Knife." He opened the folder and placed images of cars, trucks, jets and plays on the table. "Robots in disguise. Hiding all along. We detected radioactive signatures across the country. I pleaded on my knees for S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I was obsessed. Me. Can you imagine that?"

"Yeah. Megatron said that there was another Energon source here." Sam told him.

"On Earth?"

"On Earth."

"Another source?"

"Okay? And that these symbols, maps in my head, would lead him there."

"You talk to your autobot friends about this?"

"No, no, no, the source is before them. Whatever the Energon source is, it predates them. It's before them."

"So, it becomes before them."


"Well then, we're porked, unless we can talk to a Decepticon. I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them."

"Actually," Mikaela cleared her throat. "I am."

"Sam." Mikaela walked and began to climb up the ladder, Sam following.

Luckily, they didn't take long, and they walked back down in a metal box. They walked over to the table and set it down and there was a voice coming from inside it.

That's when Matsuri felt painful probing and she froze up. Sam must had noticed since he put a hand on her forearm.

"I... I have to go outside." she muttered before shaking Sam's hand off and scampered up topside and went outside, breathing heavily from the increasing pain. She leaned against Bumblebee, letting out a sigh and rubbing her face.

"Yo, you alright there?" She heard Skids questioned and she waved him off.

"I'm fine, just a headache."

"If ya say so."

Matsuri sighed and waited for the others to get done so they could go.

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