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Egypt, Africa

Matsuri was suddenly airborne, flailing until she hit the ground, which knocked the breath out of her. She stared up at the sky, trying to get her bearings as the hot sun beat down on her. She didn't move for the longest time until she heard someone calling her name. She forced herself to stand and before looking around. There was sand everywhere with rocks and mountains all around.


She could see Sam waving at her in the distance and she began to walk towards him. When she got to him, he hugged her, being mindful of his injured hand that was giving to him by the choice of travel Jetfire pretty much forced upon them.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked after he pulled away.

"I'm fine, I'm fine- you aren't though." She stated as she looked at his hand.

"I'm fine, just a bumpy landing." He assured her, and they went to regroup with the others.

Once they did, Mikaela got to work on bandaging Sam's hand. Matsuri stood beside them and watched and Simmons started to speak to Jetfire.

"That really, really hurt. You're just lucky that I didn't get hurt. We could have gotten killed, okay? I-"

"Oh, shut up." Jetfire snapped. "I told ya I was opening a space bridge! It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt."

"Wait- wha- wait!" Sam stood and turned towards Jetfire once Mikaela was done with his hand. "When did you tell us? You didn't tell us anything! He didn't tell us anything! Why are we in Egypt?!"

"DON'T get snippy with me, Fleshling! You were duly informed."Jetfire sat down.

"Could you stop for a second? Can you focus? Can you tell us why we are in Egypt so we all can have a little bit of semplence, a peace of mind?"

"This planet has been visited by our kind once before," Jetfire stood as he spoke. "By our earliest ancestors a millennium ago. They were on an exploratory mission to harvest energon, the lifeblood of our race. Without it, we would perish, oxydine and rust- JUST LIKE MY WRETCHED SELF! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT'S IT LIKE TO SLOWLY FALL APART AND DIE?!"

"Let's not get empasatic here, okay? Old timer?" Simmons spoke up before taking a few steps forward. "Beginning, middle, end. Facts, details, condense, plot, tell it."

"Somewhere, buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine to harvest energon by destroying suns."

"Destroy suns?" questioned Sam.

"You mean blow them up?" asked Leo.

"Yes," Jetfire shifted. "You see, in the beginning, there were seven Primes, our original leaders. They set out into the universe seeking distant suns to harvest. The Primes set out with only one rule; never destroy a planet with life- until one of them tried to defy this rule and his name, forever more, was the fallen."

He brought a hand up and a hologram appeared before them, showing a ancient looking mech with red optics. Matsuri started and, even in just a hologram form, she could see that his optics were cold, merciless and murderous. She watched as the scene unfolded, listen as Jetfire narrated.

She blinked once it was done and looked up at Jetfire as he continued to speak about how that this machine was still out there, waiting to be turned on again. She shrugged off her jacket, feeling too hot and not really thinking about her arm.

"How do we stop him?" questioned Mikaela.

"Only a Prime can stop the Fallen." answered Jetfire.

"Like Optimus Prime?" asked Sam.

"So, you've met a Prime?" asked Jetfire as he leaned close. "You must have met a great descendant. Is he alive? Here? On this planet?"

"He sacrificed himself to save me and my sister."

"So, he's dead. Without a Prime, It's impossible. No one else could stop the Fallen."

"So, if the same energy is going to reactivate the machine. Could that energy somehow reactivate Optimus and bring him back to life?"

"It was never designed for that purpose...but it is an energy like no other."

"So, how can you get us to the Matrix before the decepticons get to me?"

"Follow your mind, your map! The symbols, what you carved in the sand, it's your clue! When dawn lights the dagger's tip, the three kings will reveal the doorway. Find the doorway. Go now, go! That was my mission, it's your mission now. Go, before the decepticons find me and find you."

The humans but Matsuri quickly ran off and Jetfire trained his optics on her and began to open his mouth to yell at her when he saw her arm.

"Where did you get that?" he asked, leveled.

"I was experimented on when I was younger."

"By humans?"

Matsuri nodded, causing Jetfire's soften slightly with some sadness in his optics before speaking again. "Did they use CNA?"

"Yes. They used the current decepticon leader, Megatron's."

"You poor fleshling. I wish I could help but you are the first human to ever bond with Cybertronian metal and CNA."

"It's fine, I've been dealing with it."

He paused for a moment before kneeling closer. "How close are you to the autobots?"

"Pretty close."

He nods after a moment. "You have familial bonds with some, don't you?"


"But with one, you don't."

He watched as she bit her lip before she glanced at her cybertronian arm. "You are a part of their world now, with that arm, truly. It doesn't matter whose CNA or metal you have. Now, go on and save your autobots."

He nudges her towards the others and she quickly scrambled over to them, hopping in Bumblebee's back seat, between Leo and Mikaela.

She tugged on her beanie and swallowed, nervous about what will be coming now and what it will entail. She knew one thing for sure, though.

She will do whatever it takes to resurrect Optimus Prime, no matter the cost.

TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now