Chapter 1

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Hey readers this is my first pll story so don't be too hard on me. Hope you guys enjoy!😆😆😆

BTW This is Ali's beach house


Alison's POV

I stood in my large bedroom thinking about the last seven years of my life. From when I went into hiding, snuck out to visit the girls to when I came back and continued to be targeted by A.

To when Mona "died" and the girls and I were arrested. Then when the girls were brought to the dollhouse and then Ezra, Caleb, Toby and I saved them to when, Charlotte confessed to being Uber A, killing Wilden, Ian and Garret.

Then we discovered that she and I were cousins and Mary is her and Spencer's real mother, making her and Charlotte sisters.

Messed up, I know. My cellphone blasted my "Swalla" ringtone. I answered it.

"Hey baby girl ready for your partay?!" I chuckled at Aria's enthusiasm. "Yeah. And thank you guys so much for planning this trip," I say smiling.

"No prob you deserve it," she chimed. "Alright well I'm gonna finish packing and I'll see you at Spencer's," I said as I hung up.

"Bye," Aria answered.

~Time Skip~
2 hours

Spencer's POV

"It's been 2 hours where is she? I mean I get that it's her bachlorette party but come on! She needs to be here," Hanna was whining once again.

We've been sitting at my house for half an hour waiting for Ali and of course Hanna has to be overly dramatic.

"It's only been half an hour," I respond emotionless. "Well it feels like 2," she shot back.

"I'm gonna call her," Emily stated. Just as she was about to hit the dial button, Ali came bursting in. "I'm here. I'm here."

"Finally," Hanna was the first to speak up. "Where have you been?" Hanna asked. "Got stuck in traffic," she stated.

"Can we please go get some lunch before we go to the beach house? I'm starving," Hanna complained again.

"Ditto," Aria and Emily said at the same time.

"Okay," I responded. We all loaded our stuff into my van and I drove to Wendy's. We went to the drive thru, got our food and ate it on the way.

After 3 hours and a few bathroom stops, we were at the beach house. We unloaded the trunk and stood in awe of the beautiful beach house.

"Wow," we all said in unison. "It's gorgeous!" Emily exclaimed. "And it's all ours," Hanna stated.

We grabbed our luggage and stepped inside. It was just like a palace. I stood there amazed.

"Okay I know I just got here but this house has got to have like a million rooms," Aria spoke up.

"Actually looks like about 30," I responded. Everyone stared at me like I grew another head.

"What?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Elliot said our bedrooms are on the second floor and our spa is on the third," Ali said, eating an apple.

"Our very own spa!" Hanna yelled, okay can I just live here?"  We all laughed at that.

~Party time~

Emily's POV

It's 6pm and the girls and I, minus Ali, are currently setting up for the party. We have streamers, balloons, snacks, speakers and a dj.

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