Chapter 9

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Mona's POV

It was now 8, so the girls and I decided to have some dinner at a Chinese restaurant near the lobby.

I finished getting ready by 7:15 and I was on my way to Alison's room, which was only three doors down from mine.

I straightened my hair, making it stretch past my shoulders. I chose a knee length spaghetti strap dress with 4 inch black heels.

"Knock. Knock," I called out in rhythm with my knocking. Alison immediately answered it, stepping out into the hall, locking the door behind her.

"You look great," she commented. "Thanks. So do you," I referred to her long sleeved thin top, with matching palazo pants. Her hair was neatly brushed back in a low ponytail, with a centre part.

The two of us walked hand in hand, to Hanna's room.

She stepped in a strapless mini flairy dress. The top had silver sequinned and the bottom was black and flairy. Her hair was done in a low flower with a centre part and two side bangs and closed toed 3 inch heels.

"Ready to go?" She smiled. The three of us linked arms and walked to the restaurant.

~Time Skip~

"That food was amazing," Hanna said in awe. "Now I'm ready to party," Hanna did a little dance. "I'll see you guys later. Unless you guys are coming," she smiled.

"I'm beat," Ali said. "I'll pass," I answered. "Whatever. Your losses. Besides that cute guy at table three was eyeing me all night," she did a twirl and walked over to some blonde haired dude.

"What about Caleb?" I asked. "What he doesn't know won't kill him," She answered.

I went with Alison back to the rooms. Meanwhile she was probably asleep and Hanna was having the time of her life, I was in my room, watching the house, through surveillance cameras that I carried with me on the trip. Why? So I could watch the house.

Let's face it. After all we've been through, we can't trust anything.

I studied the camera's set up in the bedroom's first. I was about to skip, since nothing was in the other bedrooms, but something caught my eye in Hanna's room.

Movement! "What the..." I muttered. The curtains shifted for about the third time.

I tried changing the angle of the camera to see if I could spot the person, but it was like they knew about my cameras because whoever it was, wouldn't change their angle.

"Come on," I groaned, clacking on my keys. I put my head down.

As I lifted my head, I spotted red hoodie. The person walked right across Hanna's bed, stopping to "sniff her sheets?" I asked.

The person was about to turn around when I accidentally knocked my laptop off the table.

I quickly bent down and picked it up, but red hoodie was long gone.

I went back to the main screen and scanned all the areas, to see if I would spot red hoodie again, but it was no use. Either red hoodie had gone out of range or, they left the house so quickly.

My eyes began to get droopy, signaling me that it was time for bed. I removed my dress and put on an oversized t-shirt and I wrapped my hair, before brushing my teeth and going to bed.

In the morning, the three of us had breakfast together in the main dining area. After an hour of breakfast, we all split up to do different things.

Ali went to do yoga, Hanna went to enjoy her private beach and I returned to my room, to call the detective about my findings.

Me: Hello Detective Darson, it's Mona. Mona Vanderwaal. I found something last night.

Detective: Alright I'll be right over.

When the detective showed up I opened my laptop and went into my files but it was all blank.

"What? I don't understand," I breathed out. "What's wrong? What happened?" Detective Darson asked.

"I programmed my computer to automatically save any surveillance footage from the house, but it's been wiped clean," I expressed, with a hint of frustration.

The detective placed a hand on my back. "Give me your computer and I'll see what I can do."
A smile stretched across my face.

"Let me give our guy a ring and find out if he's seen or heard anybody on the property."

That's strange," he hung up. "What is?" I asked. "No answer."

"You know what? I'm gonna take a drive over there and find out why our guy's suddenly gone so silent," he said.

"Well I'll go with you," I insisted. "No it's too risky. Since whoever this person is, is after you three, it's best if you stay here," he instructed.

I frowned, but agreed with his plans.

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