Chapter 5

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Aria's POV

The events of last night, came flooding through my brain. No matter how hard I tried to forget.

I could still feel those hands around my neck.

I sat out on the second floor balcony staring out at the scenic beauty. The sound of the ocean waves calmed me down.

I loved the smell of the salty water, it reminded me of happiness.

I touched my neck, where the stalker grabbed me. I jumped when I felt hands touch my back.

"Sorry," Emily apologised. "It's fine."

"So how are you?" She asked.

"Still shaken up, but I'll be fine," I told her.

She started speaking but I cut her off. "Shh! Do you hear that?" I referred to Spencer's voice, sounding throughout the whole house.

Emily and I followed the sound back to the living room where we found Hanna and Alison standing in the centre.

~On Video~

"You'll never get away with this. My friends will find you, and they will kill you. No please no more. Please stop! Stop! Stoooppp!!!

Spencer was cut off then something inside me just snapped.

I just started running, despite the pleas of the other girls, I kept running and I never looked back.

"Aria stop! Come back!" Alison called after me but I just increased my speed.

I heard humming and hovering above me, so I looked up and saw a helicopter headed in the direction of the beach.

I pushed myself to run even faster, tripping in the process.

Alison's POV

The three of us were struggling to keep up with Aria. For someone so little, she's insanely fast.

We were gaining ground on her when we reached the stone path, and Hanna tripped and fell, resulting in Emily and I turning around, to save her.

We helped her up and the three of us followed the stone path onto the beach but there was no sign of Aria.

"Aria?" I called out. "Aria answer us!" Hanna yelled. "Aria!" Emily yelled into the trees.

"Help me please." Spencer's voice filled the beach.

"Spencer!" We yelled.

"Please," we heard her raspy cries. "Where are you?" Hanna asked but instead of an answer, all we heard was laughter.

Hanna and Emily kept yelling but I stopped and figured out something.

"Wait you guys. Shh listen," I stopped them. "Don't you guys get it?"

"Get what?" Emily asked.

"It's a recording. If you listen, you realize it's coming from everywhere. It's not real. Spencer's not really talking to us," I told them.

"Well make it stop," Hanna covered her ears.

"Now we really have to get out of here," I started moving in the direction of the woods.

Hanna and Emily followed suit. "Guys. Maybe should go back. We have no idea where Spencer and Aria are. Plus we've been walking for hours and my feet hurt," Hanna kept whining.

"It's only been thirty minutes," Emily responded. "Well it feels like hours."

"We don't need this. We should be back at the house sipping mimosas and getting massages," Hanna said.

"Thinking about it, this is your fault," Hanna stopped walking and turned to look at Emily.

"Excuse me?" Emily stopped walking and placed a hand on her hip.

"If you  never went and looked this place up in the middle of nowhere! Spence and Aria would still be here."

"That's a really bitchy thing to say Hanna."

"Well," Hanna crossed her arms.

"Guys it's my fault okay! I was the one who went on and on about having a bachlorette party week in Dubai. If I never said that, then Emily would have never researched this place and convince Elliot to rent it," I said, frustratedly.

"No Ali. This isn't your fault. Hanna's just being moody," Emily placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah she's right. I'm just upset that we're no step closer to finding out where Spencer is and now Aria's missing," Hanna said sadly.

They apologized and we continued walking. Emiy and Hanna were caught up in their own conversation while I stayed ahead of them.

While walking, I spotted someone. "Guys come here," I whispered lowly.

The three of us stood there, across from the figure, dressed in a red hoodie with dark jeans.

Whoever it was, hadn't seemed to notice us. Moving towards the figure, cautiously, I avoided stepping on the leaves, out of fear of being seen.

Unexpectedly, the person spun around and stared directly at us. Whoever it was, was dressed in a mask. Luckily there were trees that parted our paths.

Without hesitation, the three of us sprinted, totally unsure of where we were going and at that moment, neither of us could remember the exact direction of the house from the woods.

After some time of running, we stumbled upon my shed. Quietly, we pushed the heavy wooden door and slipped inside, attempting not to make a sound.

"We should be safe in here. Does anyone have their phones?" I breathed out.

"Yeah but there's no signal," Emily answered out of breath.

Before I could speak again, I was cut off by the sound of footsteps nearing the door from the outside.

My breath got caught in my throat and I was silently hoping that the hooded figure doesn't find us.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and the door began to creak open.

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