Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Detective Darson's car pulled up to the property. He walked through the beach and walked up to the house.

Shards of broken glass, left a trail from the centre of the living room to the the stairs leading to the second storey.

"Da hell?" Darson choked out. He avoided the stairs as much as possible,  following  the trail along to the second floor.

As he passed the chandelier hanging over the balcony, a warm, wet liquid dripped on his face.

He looked up and shock took over his features. There was Officer McKinley, hanging from the chandelier by his legs.

"Hello. This is Darson, calling from the Rollins property, I'm gonna need some paremedics and back up. I got Officer McKinley down. Hurry," he spoke into his radio.

Suddenly he was struck in the back of the head, and his whole world turned black.

~Back at the hotel~

Hanna sat on her beach chair, catching a tan when something or someone was blocking the sun.

"Why is the sun dark?" Hanna asked no one. She removed her shades and there stood red hoodie.


Mona's POV

I kept pacing my room, waiting on the detective's call. My phone rang and I anxiously grabbed it, hoping it would be the detective with some good news.

Me: Hello?

Alison: Hey Mona.

Me: Ugh! It's just you.

Alison: Well then. Sorry for calling.

Me: No Ali I'm sorry. It's just Darson went back to the house to check it out about an hour ago an he still hasn't called back yet.

Alison: Okay well Maybe we should grab Hanna and go check it out.

Me: No not Hanna. We don't need to freak her out by letting her go back to the house. Just me and you. I'll just leave her a message. Meet me in my room in fifteen.

Before she could respond, I hung up.

When Alison showed up, we chartered an uber back to the house.

"We should check the house first. We can grab some weapons and we should go back through the woods and see what we find," I told Ali.

As we reached the house, we noticed the front door was wide open.

"Ali," I called her attention to the trail of broken glass in the living room, lying along the staircase.

Something dripped on me from the top of the staircase. I glanced up and now I wish I hadn't.

"Aaah!" I screamed out. Alison looked up, at a dead detective McKinley. "Oh God. I think I'm gonna be sick," Alison ran to a nearby bathroom.

Feeling scared, I slowly crept down the stairs, careful not to step on any of the broken glass.

I made it to the kitchen undetected. Pulling open a drawer, sliding out a butcher knife.

'Maybe I can sneak out back before Ali realises and stops me.' The thought ran threw my head.

I slowly opened the kitchen door, praying that it wouldn't make a sound.

I was hoping that I could see who red hoodie is and maybe find the lair but I couldn't have Alison with me, because then red hoodie wouldn't turn up if we're both out here but with just me, I can stay discreet.

As I slipped around the house, loud crunching caught my attention. I pushed myself further against the wall to remain unseen.

For where I was, I couldn't see who it was. I wanted to get closer, I needed to. But that was a big mistake, because my next step sent me falling through a hole in the ground. I landed with a loud thud made by my head connecting with the ground.

Red hoodie stood above the hole and looked at me, but due to my messed up vision, the face was blurry.

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