Your Mission

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*Hello everyone! I'm pleased to announce that I will finally be able post my stories that I've wanted to post on the new years!! I hope you will enjoy~ and I look forward to finishing them and taking you on another journey!!*

-Chapter 1-

My life changed for the better; after the flames were sealed and Solaris was blown out, things were finally looking up. I returned to the future 200 years from the past where I had changed everything. There were cities and parks, children and families, life was everywhere to the ground up to the sky, and in the never ending oceans I thought this world would never see again.

"It's amazing Blaze." I said quietly looking out from the hill top the sun setting overt the horizon where a grass plain turned into a sandy beach. I wished she was still here to witness our accomplishment.

"Silver." Her voice answered me back. I quickly turned around alarmed at what I had heard. Through the rays of the setting sun I saw her! She was transparent, like a ghost. 
"Blaze?!" I rubbed my eyes blinking rapidly. I couldn't believe it; "I thought you were ..." I couldn't bear to say the word of death, "gone." 
She nodded, "I am. But I’ve come back to tell you, you don't technically exist in this world anymore."
Her words didn't quite filter in. I heard them but I didn't understand. "What? What do you mean?"
"Because you changed the past you've changed the future, obviously." She began to explain, “But doing so hasn't just affected the world around you, but your birth as well. Due to such a change your parents never got together."
"But I never knew my parents in the first place!" 
She laughed, “That doesn't mean you didn't have any."
"I know, I just don't understand... If I don't exist anymore how am I still here?" 
"Time travel doesn't make much sense in the first place, but I suppose it has something to do with the small time rips made during your travels."
This is awful, I felt a heavy tug on my heart, and now lost. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Oh, actually you don't have to do anything; you're still alive aren't you? Why worry about it, I just thought you should know." She shrugged. Oh, so I wouldn't fade away because I was now supposedly not even born, such a relief!! 
"Silver, I was being sarcastic, everyone knows you'll fade away never have been born in the first place." 
I hate it when she does this to me. "Blaze!!! Stop playing with me like that! It's not funny! How do I fix this!?" 
Blaze shook her head, “I don't think it's possible."

I made a fist, "You obviously have forgotten how persistent I am. I won't give up! I have to try!" 
She smiled softly, "I haven't forgotten. This is exactly what I expected from you. If you're ready, I'll explain what you have to do."
"I would say I was born ready, but right now that wouldn't work out to well now would it?" I smiled lightly scratching the inside of my ear. 
"Then you must go back in time and find them and make sure they get together."
"But I don't know who they are!" 
"I will show you them, but it is your duty to bring them together." 
I nodded, "Okay I'm ready!"

Blaze twirled around emitting a light that grew brighter and took me back in time. I was only watching from a distances, I was back in the time where I was pursuing Sonic, but was stopped by Amy, who was looking for him as well. 
And then the scene changed where I first met Shadow. We got in a fight and I was still mad that he used his chaos control to kick me in the head. I had a goose egg where his foot hit me but I couldn't let that stop me at the time. Blaze again joined my side watching on with me.

“Um, why are we back here?” I asked watching as Shadow and I had stopped fighting and took the time to talk.

“I thought it was obvious Silver; I told you I would show you your parents!” She turned to me putting her hands on her hips like she always did when she was frustrated with my lack of understanding things right away.

“But…wait, you mean Shadow and Amy are my…” I stopped catching a knot in my throat as I looked back at the image of Shadow and me going into another time portal to stop Mephiles. I looked back at Blaze hoping she was pulling another one of her jokes, but she nodded and crossed her arms.

“How was that even supposed to happen!?” I cried hiding my face in my hands, this was going to be harder than I expected, “Amy has an undying love for Sonic! And Shadow hates everybody! They’re as opposite as night and day, or like same poles of the magnet, they just push apart! There has to be a mistake!”

Blaze shook her head quickly disagreeing with me, “Without our intervention, Sonic would have died.” She reminded, “Amy would be devastated and upset. His death not only changed everything but it affected everyone as well. Shadow was there to comfort her for her loss and they grew close. Within their time of being together Amy soon conceived you around the time everyone turned against Shadow. Shadow was then captured and put in another state of suspended animation, then guarded by Omega, leaving Amy to bring you into the world by herself. But she could only survive for so long without help from Shadow, and when you were old enough to walk she died, telling you to run and hide and keep safe.”

My eyes filled with tears, I don’t remember any of what Blaze was saying but it hurt me deep inside making me feel alone.

“Silver? You’re crying…” She stepped in front of me concerned.

“I-I know…” I said trying not to bawl like a baby and wiped away my tears in the crook of my arm trying to suck it up, “I’m okay.” I assured her but it was more like I was telling myself. “Is that’s what it takes, Sonic would have to die for them to get together?!”

“Well, I-“

“That’s horrible Blaze! I can’t take away someone’s life for my own!” I wasn’t thinking straight now, I wanted to live but to take away someone’s life for my own, especially one who means to do well in the word as much as me, I couldn’t do it!

“Silver, listen!” Blaze yelled to get my attention, “Sonic won’t have to die if you can convince Amy and Shadow to be together.”

“What do I look like Blaze, a dating website?!” I pulled at my quills, I thought defeating Iblis was hard, but this is impossible!

“What happened to ‘I have to try’?” Blaze raised a brow.

I sighed, “You’re right. But I’m just so clueless on how to even start! What do I do, just walk up to them and explain that if they don’t play a game of naked twister in the bed together that I’ll fade away into nonexistence!?”

Blaze held her hand over her mouth laughing, “Now is the time to get creative, and stress all your options. Good luck Silver.” She spun around again emitting one last light and disappeared. I looked around back in time yet again not too long after we had defeated Solaris. Sonic was on another adventure with Tails, Amy trailing after them and Shadow … well who knows!? I was alone standing on a sidewalk in a crowd of people, but so alone. My ears went back and I let out a deep sigh, I don’t know the first place to start, where to go or what to say. If Amy was my mother, and I had been with her before her death, how come I don’t remember her until I met her back in time? Was I too young, or was I so devastated afterword’s that I had pushed it out of my mind until the memory was completely nonexistent?

I found some steps to a building and sat down feeling depression form a cloud over my head, I just started this mission and I’m already stuck, overwhelmed with hopelessness I began to cry again silently, trying to except the fact that I was basically going to die soon and there was nothing I could do about it.

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