*part three**

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I woke up in a foreign bed. The warm duvet covered my dress from the night before-wait, no, I wasn't wearing my dress. Instead I was wearing big, fluffy pyjamas that were surprisingly bright pink. How the hell did I get here, and who dressed me?

I lifted my hand to rub my temples, trying to form any kind of memories to do with the night before, but everything was blank.

I stood up out of the comfy duvet and then it hit me, it being one of the worst headaches I've ever had in my entire life. I let out a yelp in pain at the sudden realisation that this was what it is like to be hungover. Lets just say, I didn't enjoy the experience.

I heard footsteps and familiar voice yelling, "FUCK, WHO PUT THAT DOOR THERE GODDAMIT!".

I turned around to see Ruby standing in the door way with a pained expression on her face. "Hi, babe, I brought aspirin and some water." She said through a grimace as she walked towards the bed which I had fallen back onto.

"Thank you so much, you spoil me!" I grinned at her and quickly swallowed the medicine and gulped down my water. "May I ask why you were yelling from down the hall and where the hell I am?"

"Oh, well I was yelling because I stubbed my toe on the door and it hurts like a bitch." She said. "And you're in my house. You were in such a state last night that you passed out in my car and I don't know where you live so I couldn't exactly bring you home, so I brought you here." She finished with a friendly smile.

"Thank you. My mum's gonna be so pissed when I get home!"

"I can take you home right now if you want?" She asked politely.

"That would be great, I really don't know what I would do without you." I stood up and gave her a bear hug. She smelled sweet like a perfect mixture of cinnamon and chocolate.

"You can't go out like that though, I don't think pyjamas is a new trend." She giggled. Her laugh is so cute, slight dimples made an appearance in her cheeks and her lips were...I shouldn't be thinking like this, she's my friend and it has got to stay like that.

"I only have my dress and my mum would kill me if she saw me in it." I replied, and I was telling the truth. It was a short red dress that almost showed my butt and the V-neck plunged so low that there was a constant danger of a nip-slip.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." She said as she walked over to her wardrobe. She turned to me, "Only if that's okay with you though."

"Yeah that's fine, as long as I don't get slaughtered by my mother." I answered her and she laughed and for a moment her green – almost grey – eyes met mine and my heart fluttered, threatening to burst out of my chest entirely.

"Cool." She quietly said in almost a whisper. She turned back to the closet and pulled out a grey jumper and black ripped jeans and tossed them at me. "I'll just be waiting outside if you need me."

I put on the black jumper and unzipped it so that it was showing a little cleavage and quickly threw on the jeans.

I then started on my search for Ruby.

I walked out expecting just to see her standing, waiting, but she wasn't so I made my way across the hall to the door opposite the room I had slept in the previous night.

The house was weirdly big, I honestly didn't expect it to be quite this size.

I opened the door to the room which I was headed to and promptly closed it when I saw that it was empty. I moved along to the next door and did the same, I quickly made my way down the hall until I got to the very end door and opened it expecting to see it empty like I did all the other rooms, but I saw something very different.

Hi guys, I'm sorry about the cliff hanger, but I'm totally not sorry. I should be updating soon since I haven't in a wee while. See you in the next one.

~le auther

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