**part four**

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I looked into the room I had made my way to and saw Ruby standing with her shirt off getting changed.

"Oh shit, I-I'm sorry, I" I stuttered, shocked by what I had seen. I knew I should have left the room but I was frozen in place. I tried my best not to look at her body but I couldn't help it.

"No, it's totally cool, Ali, I was just gonna go back and get you." She said calmly as she put her top back on.

Ali...no one has ever really given me a nickname before, considering I haven't had any friends to give me one. It set off butterflies in my stomach when she said it though. I could get used to this. I could get used to people treating me as equals and not shitting on me because of stuff I have no control over. I could get used to people being comfortable in themselves around me. I could get used to being comfortable with myself around other people.

But damn was she hot. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this about my friend, but there was no denying her outright attractiveness.

"So, do you want some breakfast?" She asked breaking the silence. "Because I have way too much food and my parents are away on a business trips so I have no one to share it with." She looked at me expectantly.

"I should really be getting home, sorry." I tried to make eye contact with her but her eyes were dancing off elsewhere. "Eyes up Langenheim." I said.

"Oh, um, I better get you home then." She said awkwardly, finally making eye contact with me. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and moved towards the door which I was leaning up against.

I followed her downstairs and slipped on the white converse I had been wearing to the party last night. I mentally thanked myself for making a good shoe choice for the party.

"You ready?" Ruby asked me and I nodded. "Alright, let's go."

I followed her out of her door and into her car. I gave her directions to my house and most of the ride was sat in silence, but it was by no means awkward. I watched her with her eyes focused on the road. Her face looked so smooth and soft and I had a sudden urge to touch it. I stopped my thoughts in their tracks as I really couldn't fuck up this friendship because it's the only one I have at the moment.

When we finally reached my house, I thanked her and told her I would give her clothes back at school.

Without thinking I leaned in to give her a peck on her cheek as a way of saying an extra thank you and I watched as the blushed found its place on her cheeks. I waved goodbye and walked towards my house with a smirk plastered on my face.

Sorry that this was so short I'm trying to get back on track with updating. Also, I found out that somebody is watching this from Saudi Arabia which is pretty fucking cool considering their views on LGBTQ+ rights aren't ideal. And hello if that's you.

~le auther

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