**part nine**

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The kiss was short but sweet and mostly innocent. Well, as innocent as you can be whilst naked in a lake. Butterflies danced around in my stomach and I had never felt more right in my life. That moment was perfect. I felt unstoppable.

However, I knew it couldn't last forever so I pulled away with a grin plastered on my face. I fluttered my eyes open to meet Ruby's gaze. Her eyes mesmerised me as I stared into them. I started giggling, unable to control my happiness and Ruby joined in.

"Race you to the island!" Ruby suddenly shouted. "The loser has to buy the winner a coffee!" She started swimming off and I joined her. I wasn't a strong swimmer so I lost by quite a bit.

"Ugh, fine I owe you a coffee from your place of choice." I said with a pout.

I was so out of breath from the swimming that I couldn't be arsed to complain, a deal is a deal after all. I honestly wasn't even complaining, this meant that I could get to spend more time with her, so I was totally fine with it.

Ruby walked up the beach – still almost naked – and plonked herself ungracefully down on the soft sand. I decided to join her so I plonked myself down next to her equally as ungracefully.

The view from where we were sat was a crap tonne of murky water and the green trees swaying in the wind. We were sat in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was quite the opposite. I felt at ease around Ruby. I would be a mess without her.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to her so that my head was rested comfortably on her shoulder. And we sat. I don't know how long for, I had left my phone with the rest of my clothes so I had completely lost track of time. I could have just sat like that forever in comfortable silence with Ruby.

It wasn't until I noticed the slight red hues slowly taking over the sky. It was so beautiful. Sitting on a beach in the middle of a little lake with the sun setting in the background. I was so calm and content that I slowly fell asleep.

Is it weird that I listened to metal while writing this. It was just so out of place in such a calm chapter. 

~le author

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