**part seven**

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I had to explain everything to Ruby on the way to school. It was painful talking about it but I had no other option. I trusted Ruby, despite only knowing her for a few days, I felt as though I had known her my whole life. She kept telling me to tell someone about what happened but I couldn't, I knew that if I did Juliana would find a loophole or a way out of it and I would end up being the person blamed. That's what always happened.

The bus soon pulled up at the school gates and I quickly exited, eager to get out of the stuffy room-on-wheels. The school looked as miserable as usual, mould found its way into every crack and crevasse and the poor buildings damp walls made the air inside the building feel somewhat moist.

The 'playground' (which wasn't totally safe to 'play' on) was filled with teenagers, who looked bored out of their guts. They sat slumped against walls and bike racks and they looked equally as miserable as the school itself.

I never thought of school as a safe place, even though that was how it was advertised that way. It was hell and the last thing I wanted to be going to on this particular day, especially after the horror I had been put through beforehand.

I worriedly looked towards Ruby in hope of comfort but she looked busy in thought. I didn't want to interrupt her because she looked so at ease, even in a terrible environment like the one which we are currently in.

I was brought back into reality when I remembered her clothes that I had borrowed.

"Hey, Ruby, I have your jeans." I said pulling my bag off my shoulders and onto a nearby bench. I unzipped it and hurriedly lifted out her jeans and passed them to her.

"Oh, yeah, thanks babe." She said whilst putting them into her bag.

"I have your jumper too." I added.

I started to take off the jumper I had stolen from her but she unexpectedly stopped me.

"Keep it. It suits you more the it ever did me." She said looking me in the eyes.

I blushed deeply as I put the jumper on the rest of the way. I was honestly really glad she let me keep it, it smelt like her and she had a really comforting smell to me.

Then she did something that stunned me.

She grabbed a hold of my hand and started running.

I was so confused, why the hell would she be running away from the place where we legally had to be at that moment.

"C'mon follow me!" She shouted back to me, so I obeyed. I followed her. I didn't know where we were going but we kept going until my legs felt as though they would fall off. But Ruby didn't stop running and she didn't let go of my poor hand.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING!" I asked but it was more of a statement than a question.

"You'll see, just trust me." She said. She looked back towards me (who was struggling to keep up with her) and winked. My heart did a summersault and landed on its head right then and there. "Do you trust me?"

I hesitated, unsure of the answer to her question. But I knew deep down what it was.

"Yes!" I replied and started smiling like an idiot but I started regretting my answer as we neared a forest that was shadowed by the tall trees which were singing a chorus of whooshes and birds chirping. "Wait, you're not taking me here to murder me, are you?"

"I can't tell you that it would ruin the surprise...and that's official spy business." She said grinning.

SPOILER: RUBY ROSE IS AN AXE MURDERER. I'm kidding but she totally is.

~le author

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