**part ten**

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I woke up in a familiar surrounding but it wasn't home. Thank god for that.

As I came to my senses I felt arms draped around my torso, hugging me tight. I recognised them as Ruby's and smiled to myself. Last night wasn't a dream.

I then thought back to last night. The way Ruby's lips felt against mines, the amount of comfort I felt in her company and the sunset. The colours found their way into my mind again when I closed my eyes. They made me feel safe in Ruby's arms.

"Hey babe, your awake." She said quietly to me.

"Really? I couldn't tell." I spoke back sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and snuggled closer to me, resting her head in the crease of my neck.

And then a thought strolled into my mind...Juliana. She would flip if she found out I was staying at someone else's house again. I thought about what happened last night and looked at the burn in my hand.

"You're thinking about your mum again, aren't you?" Ruby asked my collar bone. I nodded in reply, smiling sadly at her. "You're eighteen, right?"

"Um, it seems a bit off topic, but yes." I replied confused as to where she was going with this conversation.

"Well, you could always move in with me. Legally, your mum can't do anything about it, since you're an adult." She said, moving her head to look me in the eyes

I did trust her and I would kill to live with her but I barely know her, she could be a psycho killer for all I know. But that would probably be better than living with Juliana.

"I've only known you for a week, Juliana is terrible but you could literally murder me and I probably wouldn't be surprised." I said and she giggled softly. My heart melted slowly and fell to my toes. How was it fair that she made me feel this way? "I would rather be dead than live with Juliana for another night."

"So, is that a yes?" She asked quietly, staring into my eyes.

I tried not to get lost in her eyes and replies. "Sure as hell is."

We just sat like that for a few more minutes until she slowly leaned in, pressing her lips to mine. They were soft and moved perfectly in sync with my lips. She slid her tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I teasingly denied.

Ruby rolled us over so she was on top of me and lifted her lips off mines before placing them back down on my neck, nibbling and sucking on my jaw, leaving love bites along it. I moaned slightly when she found my sweet spot and threw my head back on the pillow. She made her way along my jaw up to my lips and continued kissing.

I pulled away reluctantly. "So, what does this make us?" I asked timidly.

"Whatever you want us to be." She replied.

I smiled. "Girlfriends?"

"Girlfriends." She said before leaning in once again.

So much fluff! So, it's official now...they be dating.

~le author

P.S. The song for this chapter is called ruby, I think it's quite fitting.

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