**part eleven**

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We had devised a plan and it was brilliant.

I couldn't just walk into my house after staying away and then pack a suitcase and leave. No, I had to be a fucking stealthy ninja.

I gripped tightly onto the wall below my window and started my extremely stealthy ascent. I had climbed up the wall of my house numerous times before, so it was practically second nature.

I reached up to my right side and lifted my hand up to grip onto a small crack in the wall and simultaneously did the same with my opposite leg to my opposite side. I was thoroughly enjoying scaling the wall. I could hear my girlfriend cheering below me and I smiled, knowing that she was finally mines.

When I finally reached my window, and opened it with ease. Juliana had gotten so lazy lately that she didn't even lock my window.

"You ready?" I heard Ruby shout from below me. She was holding a denim backpack, readying herself to throw it up to me.

I nodded in reply. I was super nervous but I didn't dare show it.

Ruby swung her arm back and forth a few times before finally throwing it up to me. Or trying, at least, she missed by about five foot.

"Ooft, wow, 10/10, best shot I've seen all year!" I teased. "That seriously must have required some practice."

"Oh yeah, I've been training for fifteen years for this!" She shouted back, playing along before trying again.

This time she actually landed an alright shot. I just about caught it by the tip of my finger. I hauled it into the window with me and gave Ruby the thumbs up.

She ran around to her car prepared to drive away at any moment.

I stepped into my room and saw that it was exactly as I left it. Even the cigarette butt that my mum had used to burn me was still on the floor.

I ran to my wardrobe and packed as many clothes as I could fit into the small bag that I was provided with. I threw in all the clothes I liked along with the book I was reading and some homework I had left.

I sprinted out of my room, only to bump into Juliana just outside my door. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and her legs spread shoulder width apart, which would look any other person, but to me it just looked pathetic.

"Where the fuck were you all night, if you keep doing this the government will be up my ass about it!" She was fuming – just like I expected.

I looked down to her legs...could I fit between them? It's worth a try.

I unexpectedly lounged forward and slid on my arse underneath Juliana's spread legs.

A shocked expression took over her face as she chased me down the stairs. Adrenaline was pumping throughout my body and I felt so alive.

I looked back at my mum and – knowing that she was a homophobic piece of shit – I said, "I was with my fucking girlfriend, suck my non-existent dick!" And with that I flipped her off a ran swiftly out the door.

I looked back at her and smiled seeing her face in utter shock. She attempted to chase after me but I jumped into the car and locked the door. I rolled my window down and smiled threateningly at her.

I lifted the bag up so it was in her field of vision. "And I'm moving out!" I flipped her off again and put the bag down again at my feet.

Ruby popped her head out from behind me and she too smiled sweetly. She waved politely at my shell-shocked mother and pulled away.

"I hope I never see that bitch again."

Holy crap, thanks for 100 views, it seriously means a lot to me!

~le author

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