Finding Dean

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Making my way through the room that had been previously packed with hunters I sighed. It was stupid to think I'd find him here. Gliding into the kitchen I started picking at some salted pretzels that where In a plastic blue bowl. I knew it was a long shot - I just knew I'd feel even worst if I didn't try to find him. I shook my head, breaking a pretzel in two and eating the half with the salt granule on it.

"You alright sweet pea?" I heard a woman's voice say. I looked up to see a pair of kind brown eyes crinkling at the sides because of how big her smile was. Her hair, that was cropped short, swooped over her left eyebrow. I smiled half heartedly back.

"Yeah... I'll be ok. I'm Megan by the way."

"Jody." She said, extending her hand. I shook it. Something at the back of my mind tugged at me. Jody... where had I heard that name before?

"How did you know Asa?" She asked, grabbing a beer and popping the cap off. Extending her hand she offered it to me. I shook my head, dismissing it automatically.

"No I'm pregnant." I said, wiping the salt from the pretzels off my hand and onto my shirt. Her eyes bulged and she hugged me.

"Congratulations!" She just about yelled. I gave a small laugh, patting her back.

"Thank you." I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm. When she pulled away, my hands still in hers, she looked me up and down before frowning.

"What's wrong? Why are you frowning?" I relaxed my face and smiled a little.

"No it's nothing I just... you're the first person I've told." She nodded, letting go of my hands and nursing her beer.

"So the dad is..."

"Not in the picture. I actually came here hoping to find him but, in a world full of hunters, and our hook up being almost three months ago - I doubt I'd be that lucky." I said, rubbing my left arm. Her face softened.

"What's his name - we'll look for him together." My heart warmed as I stared at her. I barely even knew her... this is why i loved hunters. Always looking out for each other.

"You're really nice - and easy to talk to."

"Try telling my girls that." She muttered

"You have kids?" As soon as I asked this I knew I'd stuck a cord. She reached up and combed at her hair, shuffling on her feet.

"In a sense. I had a boy once, but he died and that's how I got into this-" she said, motioning with one hand to the room. "- into hunting. I guess you could say hunting gave me my girls, Alex and Claire." I took her hand and squeezed it. All hunter stories started the same. Which made them all just as painful. She gave my hand a quick squeeze and smiled wearily.

"But enough about me. What's this guys name?"

"It was Dean... I'm not sure what his last name was but it started with a 'W'-" she spat out her beer and started coughing. Alarmed I patted her back. When she recovered her back straightened and she stared at me, face red.

"Dean Winchester?" She asked, her eyebrows disappearing in her hairline. I frowned, confused.

"Yeah that's him. Do you know him or was choking just a coincidence?" She just stared at me, taking a long sip before taking my hand and leading me through the house. I gave apologetic glances as i bumped into a few people.

"Sorry!" I shouted back to a tall guy with long hair. His lips pursed, and he gave a head nod as if to say: don't worry about it. As he turned back, his hand brushed his hair out of his face. There was something familiar about the action but I couldn't put my finger on it. Jody pulled me into a smaller room cluttered with paper and hunting equipment. Standing at the desk in the middle of the room was a tall man wearing a red and purple plaid shirt. His golden-brown hair, faded at the bottom grew thicker towards the top. I bit my lip, remembering pulling on that hair. Suddenly butterflies attacked my stomach and I felt vey hot. It was him.

"Dean. Someone needs to talk to you." Hearing his name he turned and i felt my cheeks burn hotter. He was just as tall and just as handsome as I remembered him. Maybe even more so. His angular jaw made me want to moan. I'd forgotten how hot he was. Maybe because now I wasn't drunk. His bright gemstone green eyes were now flicking between me and Jody.

"What's going on?" He asked, sipping his beer. Jody squeezed my hand before letting it go.

"I'm just going to leave you to it." She whispered in my ear. Looking between us quickly she left, clicking the door shut behind her. And then it was just us. I smiled, suddenly nervous as he stared at me, probably trying to remember who I was. He raised his eyebrow expectantly.

"Hi. I don't know if you remember me, but we ended up taking a case together? The vamp nest in Manning - Colorado?"

"Oh right! Yeah - Maggie?" I pursed my lips.

"It's Megan." He squinted at me before moving his glance to the bottle.

"And that's when I stop drinking. Fancy seeing you here." He said, putting the bottle down.

"Yeah... it's not that much of a coincidence. I've been looking for you for just over two weeks." He smirked, taking a step towards me and clearing the space between us.

"Was I that good?" He asked, his tone lowering, complete with a sexy eyebrow raise. His hand gently caressed my elbow, his thumb drawing delicate, goosebumps raising circles. I blinked twice, waiting for a different response. When I didn't get one I frowned. Was he actually that stupid, or was it the beer?

"Huh... you know - I wonder what other reason a girl, you previously slept with, has to want to track you down?" I said sarcastically; twirling my hair between two fingers. His smile faded as he stared at me. I relaxed my shoulders, sighing. No need to be a bitch, I thought.

"I'm sorry. Sarcasm is my only defence when I can't use my fists to fight the problem." I muttered, feeling ashamed. This was a lot to take in. I'd had a month to process, he'd had twenty seconds. His hand dropped from my arm and his gaze lowered to my stomach.

"You mean you're-"

"-Yeah. I am." I said, suddenly feeling self-conscious of my stomach and fiddling with the hem of my shirt. He stood there in stunned silence, opening and closing his mouth. I smiled uneasily. It looked like he was going to faint.

"Do you need to sit down?" I asked quietly. He half nodded, bending over. I caught him and helped him into the desk chair, where he continued to stare at my stomach.

"Are you sure?" He whispered in his Texan twang. I lifted up my shirt. I had always been quite a slim girl, so the little bulge that stuck out between my hips was quite obvious. He placed his hands carefully on my hips and continued to stare unblinkingly. I stayed as still as I could, trying not to think of his big, warm hands wrapped around my hips. Watching his calculated gaze stare unblinkingly at my stomach I started to think about the first time we met...

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