And what is your relation?

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Zooming down the road I sighed, the scenery around us blurring as the Impala's engine roared under my feet. It had been at least ten minutes since anyone had said anything and even then all I had said was 'She runs nice.' His reply had been a gentle caress of the dashboard and a knowing smile. Curling my feet under my chair my heel hit something. Quickly moving my feet away I frowned. Had it moved? Reaching with my right hand my fingers closed around something cool. Dragging it out I saw it was a cardboard box filled with cassette tapes. Carefully taking it out I searched through the tapes.

"Warrant, Kansas, AC/DC, Zeppelin... Bon Jovi!" I exclaimed picking up the tape and sliding it into the player and feeling my stomach jump in excitement when Dead or alive started playing. "I love this song." I said, my head swaying slightly. Closing my eyes I took the intro in, and started singing the exact moment Pete Burns did. Playing the air guitar I turned to Dean, pointing at him when Pete sung the magic words. Between glances at the road he stared at me, his smile creasing the corners of his eyes.

As soon as we arrived at the doctors office, the reality of what we were about to do hit me. A shiver rolled through my spine to my toes. We were going to see our baby.

"You ready?" Deans asked as he unbuckled his seat belt. I nodded slowly, undoing mine and stepping out the car. Taking a quick breath I walked through the doors after Dean held the door open for me.

"Hi. Umm - We're here for a check up on the baby." Dean said, putting his hand on my back.

"Of course. What's your name?" The receptionist said

"That's the thing, we don't have an appointment but we were hoping that maybe someone could squeeze us in. It's my first check up on the baby-"

"- I'm sorry. All doctors are booked today but if you would like to make an appointment for next week I'd be more than happy to book it for you. Otherwise, I can't help you." The woman said, her eyes soft. I let my breath go in a huff. I suppose it was my fault for not calling ahead. Looking up at Dean I turned to leave.

"It's alright, I can take them." A near by man with a long white coat on said before turning to us and flashing a brilliant smile. In my peripherals I saw the receptionists cheeks turn pink and her eyes linger a little too long on the Doctors back. And I could see why. He was obviously good looking. Tall. Thick blonde hair, a smile that made the dimples in his cheeks stand out and my heart warm.

"Hi. I'm Doctor Reilly but you can call me Sandy." Sandy said, sticking his hand out and giving Dean a firm handshake. Dean frowned.

"Cristo?" Sandy's eyebrows raised slightly and I looked at him, my lip caught in between my teeth to stop from smiling too wide. Once a Hunter always a Hunter.

"No - Sandy. My mom wanted a girl and liked the beach. So I'm stuck with the name." He said smiling again.

"Oh. Sorry man. Dean Winchester." Turning to me his brilliant smile widened, if that was possible, when he shook my hand. Stepping out of the way he  gestured for us to go forward.

"Would you like to come through?" He said, ushering us to follow him through the hall.

"Oh, I should probably ask - what is the relation."

"Between us?" I asked, looking to Dean for the answer. He pushed his hands into his pockets.

"It's only because we have a family only policy in the examination room."

"I'm her man f-friend." He stuttered, frowning as he heard what he was saying. I felt my face go hot.

"He means, he's the father." I said, watching the doctors face change into one of understanding.

"Alright - that's fine. I'll give you a few minutes to get up on the table, put this over your lower half and remove your underwear so we can begin." He said, passing me a folded pale blue sheet and holding a door open. Stepping in I let him close it then giggled when I could no longer hear his footsteps.

"Man friend?" I teased, raising an eyebrow though he couldn't see me.

"I was going to say boyfriend but that's not exactly true... is it?" He asked, and I could imagine his face.

"I dunno, is it?" I asked slowly. When silence fell I knew he was freaking out, which made my heart jump. "No, it's not. We've know each other for three days. Relax." I said quickly, sliding off my jeans and folding them into a square small enough to fit on the chair next to the examination table. Hopping up I slid my underwear off and draped the blue sheet over me.

"Okay. You can come in now." The door opened slowly to reveal Dean looking very awkward. I clasped my hands together and twiddled my thumbs. Dean clicked his fingers a few times before picking up a near by statue of pregnant woman's cross-section. His eyebrows raising.

"Is this to scale?" He asked, popping out the baby. Opening my mouth to answer a male voice interrupted me.

"That isn't to scale but it represents a five month old foetus." Dean jumped at Sandy's voice, dropping the baby but managing to catch the womb. I stifled a smile.

"Believe it or not, that isn't the first time that's happened." He said, closing the door behind him. Dean picked everything up and placed it on the table carefully.

"Okay, hello. Sorry I don't think I caught your name." He said, clicking a pen and writing something on his clip board.

"Oh sorry - I'm Megan Clark." Sandy smiled stretch his hand out. I shook it.

"Ok. So because this is your first time, im going to go ahead and fill this out for you and then we can get started. I'll examine your stomach and depending on how far along you are, give you a scan, take a urine and blood sample and then we'll talk things over and prescribe prenatal vitamins." he said, taking my clothes from the chair before sitting on it.

"How does that sound?"

"It sounds... like a lot, honestly." I said, sitting up more. He laughed softly.

"I know but it is necessary. As I'll be taking you as a new patient I need as much information as I can on you but I promise, none of the other visits are going to be this stressful." I nodded, swallowing hard. This made him frown.

"Ahhhhh... do you like lollipops?"

"Ummm..." he put up a finger, as if telling me to wait as he turned and searched through a cabinet.

"I have some lemon or ginger lollipops. They help with nausea. There's no added sugar so you don't have to worry about breaking out in spots which it completely normal in pregnancy as hormones are raging. It's like being a teenager again. Would you like to try some?" He asked, holding the box out to me. I nodded, taking a handful of each and dropping them in my bag. With a smile he clicked the pen against his chest.

"Have you been to any doctors office before?"


"Okay. So obviously you're pregnant but how many months are you?" For over half an hour he questioned me about medical questions that, I thought, were quite personal. Though I guessed he just needed to know when my periods were, when my birthday was and what my pregnancy symptoms were like on a scale of one to ten, writing them all down on a clip board. Dean leant on the wall next to me, apparently engrossed I what I had to say. Clicking the pen Sandy looked up at me.

"Okay so the weird thing about the way doctors calculate pregnancy, because fertilisation varies from woman to woman and the actual date of conception is rarely know, is that - we calculate it from the first day of the mothers last period, so instead of still being in the first trimester you're in your second, which means the nausea should ease soon. That puts the due date days at around the May 1st till the 18th, if you carry to full term." I turned to Dean who held his hand under his chin. I must have frowned at his expression because he leant toward me slightly.

"Sammy's birthday is on the 2nd." He whispered as Sandy pulled out some gloves. Instructing me to lay down he pulled my top and started to kneed my stomach. After what seemed like forever he put the glove on and rolled a dormant machine from the corner of the room until it was next to me.

"Now it's time for what you really came for. Lay down for me and open your legs with your knees pointing to the ceiling." Sandy instructed. I nodded, doing as I was told as he prepared the monitor.

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