Hold me close and don't let go

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It took an hour into Netflix and chill for me to fall asleep. I think. When I woke it was dark and Dean was Gone. My stomach rumbled uneasily and I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. With a heavy sigh I got up and  left my warm bed. My eye sight unadjusted I wondered around the bunker aimlessly, switching on every other desk light that led up into the kitchen. Searching through the first cupboards I found a packet of jerky, cookies, beer bottles and a tube of glue. Frowning I opened the second and found a single spoon... random. Giving up and making a mental note to go shopping, I opened the third out of pure curiosity and found flour, dark chocolate and pasta. If I found any eggs I was sure I could make some pancakes. As I reached up and took out the flour I wondered if they had any maple syrup. Would I find that in a draw if a spoon was in the cupboard?

Turning at the sound of a squeak I looked around at the empty kitchen. Floorboards creaking?The urge to call out to see if it was Sam or Dean bubbled up but I suppressed it. I knew better. If it were them then they would have said something or called my name. Looking around quickly for a weapon I took a knife from its holder and crept slowly toward the entrance to the library. Squinting in the darkness for a figure I let out a harsh breath. I was sure I had turned more lights on... I relaxed a fraction though I was still on high alert. Not being able to see my own breath meant no ghosts. Hearing the sound of material rubbing together I turned quickly, swiping my knife at nothing as the person ducked out of the way.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as the person lunged at me with something that glinted. A knife? I jumped back, though not quick enough. I heard my shirt tear and felt the cold burning tip of her blade scrape across the skin under my belly button. My whole body went numb as I frantically patted my stomach and looked at my hand. Relief swept over me when I realised there was no blood.  Keeping one hand on my stomach protectively I looked up to see the woman staring at my stance confused before her expression cleared. Shit. Number one rule of fighting, never give away your weakness. She lunged at me again but this time I was ready. Dodging it neatly I swept my hand across the table work surface, causing the flour to fall to the ground and explode everywhere. Grateful for the distraction I tried to run to the door only to be yanked back by my hair. My head jerked back first, followed shorty by my body which hit something hard. An icy chill ran down my back as I realised what it was. A gun. Pointed right in the curve of my back. She suddenly let go of my hair and the knife reappeared in her hand, its jagged edge pressing against my throat.

"Ok, ok, just... don't." I said, dropping my weapon and raising my hands in surrender. There was no way out. Even if I managed to elbow her in the ribs and take the knife, she'd shoot me. And if I even moved from this position she was going to cut my throat. Refusing to show my fear I kept as calm as I could, my breathing only spiking a fraction. I'm not gong to die this way. We weren't going to die this way.

"Walk." She whispered hastily into my ear, pressing the gun into my spine again. I flinched, causing the knife to temporarily cut off my airway. Taking little steps I slowly made my way forward into the library.

"Stop." At her command I seized any movement though my hands, which were still in the air, started to shake. I opened my mouth and spoke in a slow, calm voice. She probably wouldn't listen to me. But I had to at least try and safe my life.

"Look, you don't have to do this. I don't want any trouble and -"

"- stop talking." She said, pushing the knife into my throat again, this time harder. I felt the sting of the blade cut deeper into my skin, wetness dripping onto my chest. I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips or the way tears blurred my vision.

"Sam! Dean!" She called. I frowned, though I didn't dare say anything. Why would she be calling them? After a moment of silence I heard the thunderous footsteps of bare feed against the ground.

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