Chapter 17: The Pack

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Stiles and the others worried for the whole week straight about who it was these mysterious people were after. Stiles thought these unknown assailants were after his sourwolf, he couldn't shake the thoughts of them coming to get Derek and trying to kill him. He held onto Derek tightly as he laid under him, Derek didn't mind it he smiled nuzzling Stiles and slept on. When morning time crept on Stiles had been worrying about Derek and everyone else he cared about.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

This time Derek's phone rung.

"Can you please get that?" He asked Stiles turning back over to sleep.

Stiles smiled and grabbed the phone off the nightstand. When he looked at the screen he saw Scott

"Hello?" He answered

"Stiles?" Scott asked

"No it's Philip, who else would it be? Stiles asked sarcastically as he gently tapped Derek's butt.

"Haha very funny, where's Derek?" He asked.

"Oh and here I was thinking you had your own pack". Stiles remarked again sarcastically.

"Well I do but they're never around, they're busy having movie nights and weekend-full sleepovers, and doing god knows what". Scott said annoyance in his voice, "oh and without me". That part was sarcastic.

"Well can you blame us were human".  Stiles said, "anyway here's Derek" he added as he pressed the phone to Derek's ear.

"Hello? Derek said his voice gruff.

Stiles left the room so the wolves could talk. He took his shower peacefully needing to relax and get those mysterious people off of his mind. The bathroom door squeaked as it opened slowly. Stiles peered through the shower curtains to see who it was. When the steam cleared up a little he saw Derek standing in the doorway grinning.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, his voice smooth.

"Not at all". Stiles simpered.

Derek closed the door and hopped in the shower.

"Thank goodness I was beginning to smell like wet dogs". Derek said as he stood behind Stiles.

"No you weren't". Stiles told him as he wrapped his arms around him laying his head on his chest.

They did as much as they could with the space the shower provided, Stiles tried hard not to moan loud and laugh at the same time because of the moans he'd made the bathroom would just make them louder, then they went to the room to get dressed.

"So I was wondering". Derek smiled

"Wondering about what? Stiles asked

"If you wanted to go somewhere". Derek said.

Stiles blushed he couldn't believe what he was hearing was Derek asking him if he wanted to go somewhere with him alone, he couldn't breathe it was like the air was sucked away from him.

"Like away away?" Stiles asked to clarify Derek's words.

"Yes Stiles away". Derek said

"Like a vacation? Stiles asked

Derek was starting to get annoyed with Stiles and his questions, but he couldn't deny that he found it quite adorable.

"Yes like a vacation". Derek answered a little annoyed and worried Stiles wouldn't be up to it as he saw how quick his excitement passed into a puzzled frown, "you don't want to go do you? His voice modulated.

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