Nightmares - Isaac ♡

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Your POV:

Tonight was the only night I had to study for an upcoming chemistry test, as there was a lacrosse game one night, a family event the other, and Issac and I's date usual date night or lazy day/night in. I had been studying for about an hour, or so I thought. I looked at the clock above me and saw it was one in the morning.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes from exhaustion. I decided t get some sleep, closing my textbook and turning my desk lamp off. I climbed into my warm bed and huddled under my quilt. I was just about to doze off when I heard a tap on my window. I reluctantly sat up, thinking it was just going to be hail hitting the window, because it was pouring out, but instead I saw my boyfriend soaking wet, his face red. I threw my covers off and moved across my bed to open the window. He fell in, on my bed, getting up because he knew he was drenched with rain. I ran to my dresser to get a towel for him, and some clothes he left here.

"Isaac, baby, what's wrong? What happened?"

"I h-had a nightmare," he sobbed into the towel. I rubbed his back, also trying to help him dry off, and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Why don't you change and we can cuddle." He nodded at my words and stood up, dropping the towel. He reached over his head to take his shirt off, his back muscles flexing, a grin covering my face and my lip caught between my teeth. He slipped the dry shirt over his head, along with the dry sweatpants. He turned around and gave me his soaked clothes. I threw them in my laundry and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to my bed. I laid down under the covers, Isaac following, huddling into the warmth. He nuzzled his head in my neck and started to cry again.

"You wanna talk about what happened, babe?" I whispered, rubbing his back softly. He took a deep breath, pressing a kiss to my neck.

"My dad was back. I came home from a lacrosse game one night and I guess I forgot to tell him I had one, or I came home later than usual, I can't remember. But he started yelling at me, for not being home on time and not making him dinner and not cleaning the house like I was supposed to. He s-started to hit me, throw t-things at me. I was so scared, I tried calling you but he told me y-you died. And he was-" he stopped.

"Shh, it's okay, you don't have to tell me everything."

"(Y/N)?" He whimpered.


"A-are you, um, ever gonna leave me?"

"What are you talking about, Isaac? I would never. Why would you even think that?" I looked down at him, my hand cupping his cheek, wiping away a few tears that escaped his eyes. He shrugged his shoulders and looked down, leaning into my hand.

"Well it's never gonna happen, okay? I love you too much to leave you. I love having a date night every week, it brings us closer, even though we know everything about each other. I love how caring you are when I'm down. I love everything about you. You make me happy." He finally looked up at me, his tears subsiding finally, a smile on his face for the first time tonight. I yawned as he was staring at me.

"Did I wake you up?" I shook my head.

"I was studying late and right before you tapped on my window, I was about to go to sleep."

"So I'm keeping you up?"

"You're putting words into my mouth, Lahey. I did not say that. I said I was about to asleep. I had been laying down for like an hour. So no, you are not keeping me up." He smirked and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"Oh, and I love you too, baby." I smiled as he grabbed my face to bring me in for another kiss. He pulled back about five minutes later, catching his breath, staring in my eyes. I blushed and rested my forehead on his.

"Babe, get some sleep. I can sense how exhausted you are. Sleep, I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered, moving so I was now cuddling into his chest instead of the other way around.

"Says you. If I go to sleep, you have to as well. You're just as tired as me." He sighed very dramatically.

"Okay, I guess I will. If that's what it'll take for you to sleep." I giggled and kissed his cheek. I fell fast asleep with his arms protectively around me.

Isaac's POV:

(Y/N) fell asleep within minutes of cuddling into my chest. I smiled down at her, admiring her beautiful features, Her soft (Y/H/C) hair pulled into a pony tail, as she hates her hair in her face when she sleeps, her soft, chubby cheeks flat against my chest, her lips slightly parted as soft breaths escaped. Gosh, she is so adorable when she sleeps. I honestly don't know why I thought she would ever leave me, I know deep down she never will.

I spend 15 more minutes just stating at her, occasionally pressing kisses to her cheek, forehead, nose, and lips. Surprisingly she never woke up, but she did smile and cuddle closer to me whenever I did.

"I'm so in love with you, (Y/N). I still have no idea why you chose me, but  damn, I'm so glad you did. I'm so happy that you put up with my werewolf crap, dealing with me on full moons, having to clean me up after a fight, even though I heal. I love you so dam much, I can't begin to explain. Alright, goodnight baby girl, I'll see you in the morning." I pressed one last long, loving kiss to her forehead, resting mine on hers, and fell into a deep sleep.

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