Treat You Better - Brett ♡

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A/N: so, i always ask this in whatever books i publish, would you prefer i write in 1st person or 2nd person? I usually write in 1st person, but don't have a problem writing in 2nd. so, if you have a preference, just comment! ❤️

also i apologize for how long this is, i got carried away lol. but i really like this and i'm (kinda) proud of it :)

Your POV:

Liam and I have been best friends since we were little kids. We were neighbors, so we spent a lot of time together. Our windows faced each other, so every night, as little kids, we made faces at each other until one of us fell asleep, or became tired. During middle school, I started to develop feelings for him. Of course I never told him, I kept it to myself, thinking he wouldn't like me. But I was wrong. He admitted he liked me right before freshman year. He never acted on it, though, which upset me. I couldn't tell if he actually did like me or not.

As we grew older, we had a movie night every Friday night, and we would sleep over afterwards. Being really close friends, we would cuddle during the movies, and usually I was the first one to fall asleep. My feelings for him got stronger and stronger after every Friday

High school came around, and everything was great, until he demolished Coach's car, and got kicked out. I knew about his IED, but I never knew it would be this bad; I didn't think he would lash out after being benched in lacrosse. So, he moved to Beacon Hills High School, an hour away from me. I think that put a strain on our friendship, as it was a struggle for both of us to drive out an hour to see each other on Fridays. But, we somehow made it work out. We would facetime all night instead of watching a movie.

Things were going great, Liam and I grew even closer, actually, and I even grew close with Brett. Brett and Liam hadn't been on great terms since Liam destroyed the car, and Liam was pretty upset that I became friends with him; he forgave me though, knowing that Brett was there when he couldn't be. Although, Liam had been acting weird lately and ditching me sometimes for some girl named Hayden, the same girl who he punched in 6th grade before school pictures. It kind of hurt me because now I was one hundred percent sure he didn't like me back.

Tonight, I was going to the Beacon Hills vs. Devenford Prep lacrosse game in Beacon Hills. Afterwards, I would be staying the night at Liam's, as his parents were out of town. I packed my bag for the night and next day, hopped in my car, and drove the hour to Beacon Hills. When I arrived at the field, I saw Liam sitting on the bench, talking with a couple of his friends, and of course, Hayden. I sat on the bleachers on Devenford's side, smiling as Brett saw that I came. I got up and ran towards him, jumping into his arms as he spun me around.

"I'm so happy you came! So, you wanna go get some food after the game is over?" He questioned after he put me down. I smiled sadly at him.

"I'm hanging out with Liam like old times, I'm sorry. We barely get to see each other since he moved, and tonight's the only night he's free. I would love to go out some other time though," I smirked up at him. I had to admit, Brett was pretty good looking, and I would kill to go out with him, but I couldn't ditch Liam. Not to mention, I had started to develop feelings for Brett, lessening my feelings for Liam.

"No, it's okay, I completely understand. And yeah, totally, I'd love to go out with you soon. We can plan something." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and went back to my seat. About 10 minutes before the game started, Liam texted me asking me to come over and meet his friends. I knew I would have to meet Hayden, and I really didn't want to. Reluctantly, I got up and made my way over to where he was standing, smiling widely when I saw him,

"Hey, (Y/N/N). Why aren't you sitting on our side?" He yelled when I arrived, hugging me tightly.

"Oh, I just thought, since I actually go to Devenford and not Beacon Hills," I chuckled at the obvious reason. He blushed and looked down.

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