Big (Bad?) Wolf - Derek ♡

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Your POV:

Derek came off as an asshole, no sugar coating at all. He acts like he doesn't care about anyone or anything because he believes that anyone he loves either gets hurt or dies. So, he just chooses not to have feelings. This was a problem for our relationship in the beginning. He was very distant, never really hugged me, wouldn't cuddle with me; even when he kissed me it was a short peck, never longer than ten seconds, it was weird. I get why he doesn't want to develop more and more feelings, but it's killing me to not be in an actual "relationship" with him.

Every time I would try to hug or kiss him, he dodged me and make me kiss his cheek or he would give me a quick side hug. I was starting to get very annoyed at how he was acting, but I couldn't blame him for how he feels. He doesn't want what happened with Paige to happen again. But seriously! Will it hurt to cuddle once in a while?!

One night, Derek was out with the others, apparently he was at the animal clinic helping to clean up Aiden after being in a fight. All I wanted to do was be in his arms, safe from any harm that I couldn't protect myself from. I wanted my wolf boyfriend with me, but I was not his first priority at the moment. I sat in his bed, surrounded by his smell, and started to cry over the fact that I wasn't important to my boyfriend. Eventually, I cried myself to sleep, Derek the only thing on my mind.

Derek's POV:

I was at the animal clinic with the others, trying to help Aiden recover from a fight with an alpha. He had a few deep cuts, that were laced with wolfsbane, so I of course had to burn them out. Once I had finished, we all sat back and waited for him to wake up.

"So Derek, how's your girl?" Stiles asked. "Granted she's still with you," he added under his breath with a small chuckle. I glared at him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Stilinksi?" He raised his hands in defense.

"Whoa, wolf boy. Calm down, I was joking. But seriously, are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" I asked offended.

"No offense, dude, but you treat her like shit," Ethan chimed in. I gave him the same glare I gave to Stiles.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Derek, do you realize that she doesn't feel like she's in a relationship with you? She tells me everything, well because we're best friends, but seriously," Scott spoke.

"You treat her like you treat everyone else, with disrespect, distrust, and anger. She hasn't told you only because she knows why you act like this, because you don't want her to get hurt," Scott spoke again. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hand.

"Do you guys think this?" I asked everyone. They all bowed their heads, nodding as well.

"She tells me you don't cuddle with her at night, even when she's scared or wakes up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. She says you give her small, friendly side-hugs and small, one-second pecks on the lips. She doesn't feel like your girlfriend, just a close friend," Ethan spoke quietly, I guess he was afraid he would anger me. I sighed and got up from the chair in the corner, walking out of the animal clinic, and drove back home; I had to make things right with (Y/N).

I arrived at my loft, the one I share with (Y/N), and walked in, closing the giant metal door behind me. I walked over to the couch to check if she was there, as that's the place she's been sleeping recently, but she wasn't there. I sighed, feeling defeated, my mind racing with all of the places she could possibly be in this dangerous town. I walked over to my bed, and I saw her. My heartbeat started to slow down, and I finally relaxed. I strided closer to the bed and noticed she was cuddling with my pillow, tear stains on her cheeks and a puddle of tears on the pillow. My heart broke as I realized what I had done; I pushed someone I love away because of my past. I sat next to her sleeping body and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. Tears formed in my eyes, wanting to take her pain away, but I couldn't; this was a different type of pain. She stirred and rubbed her eyes, opening them to face me. She huffed sadly and sat up.

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