Attack ♡ - Derek

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heyyy so i know i haven't posted in loooong time...oops. and i know i put this book on hold a while back. i have no reason other than i stopped watching teen wolf once school started again and i didn't have time to watch it/keep up. but i recently, well the other day, started watching season 1 again and now i have feels for derek again lololol. so here. idk how active i'll be bc school is ending soon, and with that, i have finals, stuff for graduation, stuff for college, a trip to seattle next week, a trip to europe in june, grad. party, just a whole bunch of stuff. soooo sorryyyy. also i got my first tattoo a couple days ago!! i love it so much, and honestly it wasn't too bad lol. enjoy!

Your POV:

My breathing was heavy, my lungs burned for a break, and my legs felt like they were about to fall off.

Well that's what I get for going for a walk on the night of a full moon. Derek had warned me, but I just needed some fresh air and a nice walk; all I did was walk through the neighborhood, how bad could it be?

Apparently very bad.

All I knew was that a beta was chasing me. His gold eyes shone under the moonlight and street lamps, fangs on full show. He was ready to tear me apart. And because I wasn't a werewolf, that means I'm dead.


I ran and ran, despite the ache in my body, when suddenly I felt claws rip at my side. A scream ripped through my throat, pain spreading all throughout my body. I felt my body become weak, falling to the ground. But, I noticed that nothing else happened, I was scratched, I fell, and that was it. I slowly opened my eyes as much as I could, and saw Derek attacking the beta. I then saw Stiles and Scott run up and grab the wolf, pulling him away from Derek.

"Baby? Stay with me, okay? Can you stay awake?" I heard Derek yell at me, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"D-Derek," I choked out. "I-it hurts."

"I know, baby. I know. I'm gonna get you to the loft." He then picked me up in his arms, pressing a soft kiss to my temple as a way of comfort.

"Just keep your eyes open. Can you do that, (Y/N)? I need you to stay awake." I nodded and took a deep breath. Eventually, my eyes fell shut, Derek's voice being the last thing I heard.

Derek's POV:

I finally arrived at my loft, yelling at Peter to open the door. Once it slid open, I ran and placed her on my bed.

"Get the medical supplies! Now!" I didn't care how rude or mean I was at the moment, my girlfriend is close to dying because a stupid beta couldn't control himself on a full moon.

If I ever find that beta...he'll be in some serious trouble with me.

Peter was quick to bring the supplies, and even helped me apply bandages and such to her wounds. Once she was all cleaned up and bandaged, I sat on the bed next to her, grabbed her hand, and took some of her pain away.

My veins turned black and my body went rigid, but seeing her face ease just a little made me feel more at peace.

About an hour later or so, I heard her whimper and move around a little. My focus was now on her, the book I was reading now abandoned.

"(Y/N)? What hurts? Are you okay? Do you need something?" She sighs and moves to lay on her back.

"Can I have some water?" She whispered, smiling up at me. I nodded softly and retrieved a glass of water that Peter was holding; he must've been listening to our conversation.

Sometimes the hearing thing is too much, it becomes an invasion of privacy.

I handed her the glass and helped her sit up to take a drink. She winced in pain, which made me immediately grab her hand and take more away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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